Meet The Real Life "Magneto" Kid

Six-year-old Croatian kid Ivan Stoiljkovic astounds his family and the people in his village thanks to his magnetic body.

When he takes off his shirt the youngster is able to stick metallic objects such as spoons, mobile phones and even frying pans to his body.

In total, his family says, he can carry up to 25kg of metal stuck to his torso.

And that isn't the end to Ivan's unusual talents.

According to his family Ivan has also used his 'healing' hands to alleviate his grandfather's stomach pains and take away the pain of a neighbour who hurt his leg in a tractor accident.

Ivo, Ivan's grandfather, said when his grandson laid his hands on his stomach they became extremely hot and the pain simply went away.

If that wasn't enough, Ivan, it is also claimed, is much stronger than other children his age and is able to easily carry bags of cement as heavy as 50lbs.

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