Facebook And Twitter As Addictive As Smoking

Several studies have found that Facebook, Twitter and Google are as addictive as drugs.

People react like twitchy addicts denied their drugs when forced to give up access to the Internet and other electronic media.

And just like a boozer who leans on bourbon as a social lubricant, online addicts believe that people who aren't hooked on the information superhighway, text messaging and instant messaging are huge bores, reports the New York Post .
"Giving up technology was considered by some to be as hard as quitting smoking or drinking," said the research firm Intersperience about a new study of people deprived of their online habits.

According to the study, a full 53 per cent of 1,000 people surveyed reported feeling 'upset' when "deprived of Internet connection."

The study also found that, 40 per cent of those people "feel lonely when not able to go online."

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