Deverman, a long-time Shenzhen resident and American, said that many Chinese expressed solidarity with Americans on the day of the attack. "When the planes flew into the World Trade Center Towers I was at a friend's house in Shenzhen and watched in shock and disbelief. Of course many of the Chinese in Shenzhen knew about the attack and had sympathy, taxi drivers would talk to me about Bin Laden and about how strong America was with the wars we were waging."

This, in his eyes, makes the still standing miniature towers an especially egregious offense for a locale that claims to be an "international city."
Whatever the reason for the replica towers still standing, be it laziness on the part of the theme park or something else, it's probably time to update the scene — especially at a place called "Window of the World." Or, perhaps they should consider changing the name to "Window into the Past."
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