Driver Caught Fondling Passenger's Breasts By Traffic Speed Camera

A driver who was caught by a police speed camera fondling his female passengers breasts while cruising along at pace on a motorway could find himself in trouble with the authorities - for two reasons.
Speed demon Deng Jialin was so distracted by his groping antics that he forgot to check his speed - and was clocked driving at 92kmph (57mph) in an 80kmph (50mph) limit.

Deng appears to be causally holding the steering wheel of his silver Nissan X-Trail with his left hand and reaching across to caress the right boob of his female passenger.
He does seem to be keeping his eyes on the road, at least. The incident happened while the pair were travelling along a stretch of highway in China.

The resulting image was later released to the local media by an unknown source, possibly working at the Mianyang traffic bureau.

After discovering the embarrassing image online, Deng contacted his local newspaper - claiming the image had been doctored using a computer and denied there was ever a female passenger present in the car.

It's not known whether Deng will be charged over the incident - however, we assume he won't be speeding, touching his passenger or picking his nose along that stretch of road anytime soon.

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