Danisa Landaeta Charged In Airport Bomb Hoax

Danisa Landaeta, a 30-year-old Miami woman, has been arrested for drawing a picture of a bomb and writing the word "BOOM" on her friend's bag as a joke, the Miami Herald reports.

Landaeta drew the misguided picture on the suitcase of a friend who was traveling from Miami to Venezuela on Tuesday. The friend was checking into a Santa Barbara Airlines flight and turned in the luggage when she noticed the drawing, the arrest affidavit reads, according to Local10.com.

Miami-Dade police spokesman Det. Roy Rutland told CBS that the incident occurred around 3pm on Tuesday. Three concourses were evacuated and driving areas around another were closed off as a precaution, airport spokesman Greg Chin told CBS. A K-9 unit was also brought in.
Landaeta confessed and has been charged with the planting of a hoax bomb and criminal mischief and is being held on $12,500 bond, CBS Miami reports. NBC Miami adds that Landaeta is still in a local jail.

The incident cost roughly $1,000, according to the New York Daily News.

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