Mah told the Vancouver Sun: "I love the thrill of different challenges and something like this is perfect."
"I'll basically be living in a new world, and I have this goal, which is to interview people, share their stories and showcase the hearts behind YVR."
Luckily for Mah, he won't be sleeping in an uncomfortable chair or the terminal floor for the duration of the project. His prize includes an 80-night stay in a suite with floor-to-ceiling views of the runways at Fairmont Vancouver Airport Hotel, as well as three meals a day. Mmm, nothing like bland airport food for nearly 12 weeks straight.
The first task on Mah's agenda? Find out where confiscated items go.
"My grandpa's pocket knife that he passed on to me was confiscated at an airport a long time ago," he told the Vancouver Sun. "I've always wondered what happened to it. Did it get recycled? Melted? Trashed?"
Other travelers looking to quench their curiosity about the ins and outs of the international airport are encouraged to send in story ideas to "the Anderson Cooper of YVR," as Mah now refers to himself, via Facebook and Twitter.
"Maybe you'd like to know the strangest cargo ever shipped out of YVR, or how many liters of paint it takes to mark the runway lines. Now's your chance to ask," Vancouver Airport Authority Spokesperson Rebecca Catley told CBC News Canada.
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