What are his major problems?
Imagining relationships: Whenever he falls for a girl – and he generally falls for too many girls – he tends to believe that she is in love with some other guy. Even if the girl has a casual conversation with a guy, our friend assumes that the two of them are on the verge of a relationship, if not in one already. That multiplies his hesitation manifold, and his emotions remain unstated till the girl actually finds someone. And, that someone turns out to be someone else.
Ladies first: This character is a moron. Overconfident and suffering from megalomania, he believes that every second girl has the hots for him. He doesn't have the guts to propose, but tells the world that the girl should be the one who ought to come forward. That never happens, and he continues to vegetate.
Too good: A victim of inferiority complex, this guy manages to pedestalise every girl he falls for. She is so good that she is beyond reach: that thought keeps his lips sealed, whether or not the girl is a Meg Ryan lookalike. He continues to torment himself without making any effort to reach out. She, you are right, remains clueless.
Everything in life takes some effort. So do relationships. Most seem to know that, barring those who wait near the bus stop, hoping for that smile that means nothing.
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