Google+ Crosses '10 million' Users

A blog posting by Paul Allen, founder of, suggested on July 10th that the number of people on Google's new social media platform sat at 7.3million, up from just 1.7million on July 4th.

Following this impressive increase, the site then grew by 30 per cent between midday on July 11th to the evening of July 12th.

Using these figures, Allen calculated that as many as 9.5 million people were likely to have joined the network by yesterday evening, suggesting membership passed the ten million mark by the end of yesterday.

'I project that Google... could reach 20 million users by this coming weekend if they keep the Invite Button available. As one G+ user put it, it is easy to underestimate the power of exponential growth,' he added.

Allen's formula involves taking data about the popularity of surnames from US census data to create a list of 100 to 200 names, then comparing it to the number of people on Google+ with that surname.

From this, he determines how many people in the US are using the service, before creating a model which allows him to use these figures to determine users outside of the country.

However, these user figures are still dwarfed by the number who use Facebook, which, according to founder Mark Zuckerberg, now stands at 750million.

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