Britannia Fighters Recreate Roman Gladiator (Video)

This weekend Susanna Shadrake and Mandy Burridge will transform into their gladiator alter-egos and battle it out in an amphitheater.
With swords and shields, the pair are recreating the Roman gladiator games.

‘We want to create as much as we can the spectacle of the games that took place 1,900 years ago – though obviously we’re not allowed to kill each other,’ said Mrs Shadrake.

‘Our swords and shield won’t be sharp but there will still be a fair amount of violence on display.

‘With women gladiators, it’s all about skill and bravery rather than sheer brute strength. And it’s all about keeping the crowd entertained, of course.’

Both women are members of Britannia, a group that has re-enacted elements of life during Roman times for the past 21 years.

Britannia was formed in Essex and is now run by Mrs Shadrake and her husband Dan. It has more than 100 members nationwide and its members worked on Ridley Scott’s Oscar-winning film Gladiator.

The games are at the Guildhall in central London and run during the Festival of British Archaeology, hosted by the Museum of London.

The two days will include tours of the Guildhall amphitheatre and Roman- inspired street entertainment.

For more information about the weekend, contact the Museum of London box office on 020 7001 9844 or email

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