A ban on topless men boarding buses in Brighton and Hove has been enforced due to undesirable sweating. The no-sweat rule, introduced by the Brighton and Hove Bus and Coach Company, aims to keep hygiene at a high standard.
Roger French, managing director of the transport company, told The Argus : 'We started this during a very hot summer because it was unhygienic having people getting on buses a bit sweaty, and the sweat gets on the seats.
'We thought it was common courtesy to the other passengers.'
With the potential for there to be upset passengers, alternative bus company The Big Lemon Bus has opened its seats to all men who enjoy going topless.
'People don’t have to be lemon fresh to get on our buses,' explained finance manager, Richard Marsh. 'Toplessness is welcome as long as it doesn’t contravene the law about public decency – fancy dress and breast feeding is also fine.'
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