Now Belly Dancing For Men: Really?

When nowadays men are doing pretty much all the stuff which few decades ago was considered very girly than why can’t men learn to belly dance? They have bellys, don’t they?

It seems that in China young men have been studying the art of this ancient social dance that is native to North Africa, Asia and The Middle East.
What brought this on?

For centuries, only women performed the erotic and highly sensual belly dance, but today in southwestern China’s metropolis of Chongqing, young men have begun to practice this seductive art form as a means of learning how to both develop and maintain a flat stomach.

Belly dancing has become very fashionable. The pelvic area is the focal point of the dance, which is generally improvised by the lone performer, and the art form has its own secret cache of movements that are perfectly integrated with the music’s pulsating rhythms.
Perhaps indicative of China opening up to the ways of other cultures and a rise in living standards, belly dancing has caught on. One man in particular, Guo Wei, has climbed his way up to the top of the dance world success ladder with his Chinese Celebrity Guo Wei Belly Dancing Club.

A decade ago, Guo’s dancing would have been considered  “bourgeois decadence.” Always the innovative entrepreneur, he has just unveiled another school which he hopes will be as successful as the belly dancing. It is, are you ready, the Guo Wei School of Hula Skirt Dancing.

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