You Like Your Girlfriend To Be Your Mom?

This is our question of the day; Do men like being mothered by their girlfriends? We ask around.

Are you one of those guys who are caught off guard by the devoted and persistent mommying from your girlfriend? Love it or loathe it, you cannot ignore it.

Among the many intricacies in a relationship, the putative, protective and tender nature of women plays an important role in making or breaking a relationship. But in some cases, it crosses the fine boundaries of protectiveness into the precarious territory of possessiveness where concern or affection transforms into irksome nagging or control, barring that, who would not like tender care, love, affection and warmth?

Actor Mazhar Syed who is dating actress Moulli Ganguly, has no qualms being mommied by his girlfriend. In fact, he thinks it only strengthens their relationship. "All women have an innate quality of being caring and protective and guys do like to be pampered and taken care of. It is a sign of concern and love. My girlfriend is always there for me and takes care of me like a mother. I have no reason to mind it. It's like a cherry on the cake. A little mommying here and there keeps the relationship going and makes it strong, but it shouldn't be overdone," says Syed.

And he's not alone. Television actor Raj Singh Arora seconds that and feels that it is an essential element of any relationship. He shares his idea of being 'cared for'; "It is difficult to find people who care so much these days. A guy should be lucky to find someone who cares for him like family. That kind of thoughtfulness and affection becomes really important for people who stay away from their families especially at times when you are unwell or feeling low and it is important that the other partner reciprocates the feeling," he explains.

So did any of his girlfriends 'mommy' him around? "Well, in all the relationships I've had so far, I think I've been the more caring partner," he laughs.

But not all men take too kindly to their women acting like their mothers. Actor Ali Merchant feels that there is a 'certain extent' to which a guy would like to be 'extremely cared for' by his girl. Keeping in mind the practical considerations of the present lives, Merchant feels sometimes this behaviour could be uncalled for. "An over caring girlfriend is fine at times; it could even be cute. But I wouldn't like that everytime and definitely not in public. Being protective is fine, but over-protectiveness weighs down on personal space and individuality," he explains.

Well, that was for the guys. The question now is; do women like to be 'taken care of 'as well? "Of course they do, girls need a lot of loving and caring," says Mazhar, adding, "It's a part and parcel of a relationship. People care excessively for their partners, and then for their kids after a certain age."

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