The barely-there lingerie that also doubles as a headband promises no panty lines nor tan lines and can be yours for the low, low price of $24. However, as Dr. Lisa Masterson warns, "I love options for women, but still thongs are very bad for women, because the rectal bacteria can still wake up...and I think this would do a lot of sliding and contribute to bladder infections." Um, that, and our insides hurt just looking at it.
Here's an experiance shared by consumer who wore it:
This is the stuff of nightmares. I am walking down the road pushing a buggy when I have to bend down to pick up a dropped toy.
A passing van driver leers at me and then beeps his horn. But it?s not because of my blonde hair: it?s because I look as if I forgot to put on any underwear that morning.
That?s what happens on my first day wearing the "C-String", a bad dream in underwear form. According the promotional blurb, it is "sexy, elegant and completely unique".
If you?re an ordinary-shaped person, that?s one out of three, and it ain?t the first two.

The manufacturers suggest that you wear it with outfits that might show a panty line, or even as swimwear so that you don?t get tan lines across your bottom.
Personally, I would rather go to the beach wearing full ski-gear than wear a skimpy headband as a part of bikini bottoms. But then, after two children, I feel racy wearing a coloured bra.
However, I have agreed to road test the C-string for a week. I receive my consignment by post in a minute envelope. No extra postage needed on this item. Then I dangle the C-string thoughtfully from my finger. It doesn?t look big enough for a child?s bottom, never mind one belonging to a decent-sized woman.
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