How to Make Your Man Love You Again - Tips on How to Get Him Back

How to Make Your Man Love You Again - Tips on How to Get Him BackHave you broken up with your boyfriend or husband and want to know how to make him love you again? How do you get a guy to love you again? What are the steps needed to get him to come back to you?

Breaking up is hard to do and afterward you may feel as though you want your man back. The good news is that there are steps you can take to make him love you again. However, getting these steps to work will require some soul searching and a lot of work. But if you are willing to try, it can be done.

Soul Searching

In order to get your man to love you again, you will have to first figure out why you broke up in the first place. You will have to determine if your breakup was over an affair, constant arguing over a specific subject, or if it was an abusive relationship. Once you discover the underlying issue, it will be up to you to decide if you can fix the issue and if you want to go back to the relationship.

Change Yourself

We all change over the course of our lifetimes, but in order to get you man to love you again, you will have to revert back to the person that he first fell in love with. Be sure to correct anything that you can on your own and don't be ashamed to get help if you need it. Try to be positive and laugh and smile when you can. He fell in love with something about you, so you need to figure out what it was and get that something back.

Prepare a Speech

The first words you say to try and get him back are going to be the most important. Whatever you do, do not cry and beg. This is only going to be an instant turnoff and will likely end the relationship forever. Instead, be calm and know exactly what you are going to say. The chances are good that he still has feelings for you so tell him you are sorry and how you are going to change from this point forward and that there is still a future for the two of you.

Do Something Simple

In order to win him back, ask him out for something fun such as a game of miniature golf or a trip to a rock climbing wall. Whatever you pick, make sure that it will be fun with no serious talks involved. Once you have reconnected, you can then work on putting the pieces back.

Use the Past

When talking to your guy, use the past to the best of your advantage. For example, wear a favorite outfit of his and bring up memories of the good times. Also, pick a mutual favorite spot in order to talk to him about getting back together. Just be sure to not get too emotional if you are going to be in a very public location when you speak to each other.

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