Melissa Riso sexy model

Hair style and eye brow style

Melissa Riso is an exotic background of Guamanian and Italian. As a Northern California native, Melissa grew up with her Father and older Sister in Salinas, California. She is top and most popular super sexy hot sizzling actress and model. Who has appeared in many modeling in her career. She has performed in many sites like- women's fashion, lingerie, underwear, sleepwear, swimwear, bikini and car model promoter model. Her all most popular and Ethnicity modeling and sexy hot Image/Photo is below.


White sexy lingerie pose

High fashion lingerie style

Purple color lingerie

Full in awesome sexy swimwear

Car modeling

On the stage

Full in sexy dress on the stage

High fashionable sexy underwear

Beach pose

Sleepwear style appear

Silver color swimwear style

Fitness wear pose

Sky color bikini pose

Information/Photo Source-[ melissariso, bing, google ]

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