Of course it all depends on the situation and the environment and also the type of person you are out with. Some random ice breaker questions could be like the typical “what are your hobbies”, “where did you grow up”, “what is your favorite book or band”, “what is your favorite kind of food”, and so on. However, what if we made them a bit more interesting and interactive?
Such interactive and intriguing questions you could ask on a first date are a fascinating way not only to break the ice but also to get to know your date better. For example, try asking “where do you see yourself in five years”, “what do you look for in a romantic relationship”, “who is someone you admire greatly”, “how should a guy or girl be treated on a date”, “if you could do anything for a living, what would it be”, and so on.
Although you asked the questions, listening and interpreting the answer is as equally important. Don’t over analyze his or her answer, just take it in to learn about them better and get a feeling of what kind of person they are. Remember to answer questions about yourself as well, especially the ones that you just asked. Be prepared for her or him to end their answer with “and what about you”.
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