Live your life, as an individual and as a couple, to the fullest, before getting married
You are tying the knot. Soon you'll become 'we' from 'I' and your priorities will change. There are things like 'get to know each other's family and friends and each other as well as possible', for which you need to have a long courtship period. But there are certain things that you should do before you get married, along and together.
Five things to do alone:
1. Travel apart and see the world from your point of view.2. Live on your own, be independent and learn things the 'real' way. See how you handle a particular situation
3. Make your own friends and have your own group.
4. Decide what you want from your life.
5. Have your own savings. Get the career of your dreams
Five things to do together:
1. Gorge on calories, guzzle down pitchers, party with his/her friends, get up and dance at 3 am, read, travel. Try to understand what all things you like doing together and individually. You'll get to know many things.2. Keep some things that are just for you too.
3. Get yourself in shape. Enroll into a gym, fitness/dance class and go there together.
4. Decide whether you both want to open a joint account and what that account will be used for.
5. If you are adventurous, go hiking, skiing, scooba diving etc. Or do things that the other partner likes doing. This way you'll understand each other better.
Get naughty before getting knotty:
1. Try speed dating or go for a blind date. You deserve to know your options!2. Go on a bachelor weekend. Girls go for a girl's night out. Explore your wild side. Shed your inhibitions. You don't know if you'll get such a chance after marriage.
3. Travel to a foreign country just with your friends
4. LA sounds like a good option too. Why not explore it?
5. Ever tried making out in the open or in a car or on the mountain top? Go for it!
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