Review Mix: The Way Back, World Invasion: Battle Los Angeles, Red Riding Hood, Rango

The Way Back
Score: 6,5/10

Based on a novel “The Long Walk: The True Story of a Trek to Freedom” written by Slavomir Rawiez, Peter Weir’s “The Way Back” traces the grueling journey of a bunch of war prisoners who try to flee from a Siberian gulag to escape the wrath of Stalinism.
A stunning tribute to human fortitude and to the command of Mother Nature, from the intense cold of Serbia to the blistering sun of the desert, Weir and cinematographer Russell Boyd effectively convey the splendor and extent of the landscape the survivors have to navigate. The film is gripping, despite being long and plodding in places. It also has quietly commanding performances from Jim Sturgess as the group’s leader and Ed Harris deliver a quietly affecting performance as an indomitable American who inspires his companions to press on. “The Way Back” certainly succeeds as a visual spectacle and continent-hopping travelogue. But is it as successful as a

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