How to Choose Perfect Sunglasses for Your Beautiful Face

 You must have wondered, why is that the pair of sunglasses you love don’t do anything for your face every time you go shopping at the mall. This is not just for you but also common to a lot of people looking for sunglasses. The trick to choose a pair of shades for yourself is to understand your face shape so that they look a perfect fit and make you look great.

Sunglasses like any other piece of accessory can really enhance your look, provided you buy a good pair. To help you pick out your money’s worth next time, read on to understand why style goes for which face shape.

You can roughly say there are 6 to 7 face shapes that are found in men and women. Let’s start with the Oval.

 Oval Sunglasses

This face shape is the luckiest. Almost any design of frame will suit it which makes it easier to experiment. Wearing over-sized frames is the best as they really frame the face and make it look coquet. When choosing sunglasses otherwise make sure the pair is as broad as the broadest section of your face or even bigger.
Heart Shaped Sunglasses

This face shape is similar to the shape of a heart as suggested by the name. The chin formed the bottom end of the heart and the forehead defines it at the start. As the forehead forms the larger part of the face, the bottom part of the face needs prominence and requires balance.
Buy frame with under work. Fetch the attention to the lower part of your face and this will make you look great. Do not buy heavy frames or highly embellished corners. These will only redefine the broad set of your upper face.

Square Sunglasses

Have you checked out the new trend of butterfly shaped sunglasses? These are perfect for those with a square face shape as the angles of the face are prominent.
When choose a pair, make sure you buy either round frames or oval to reduce the angularity of the face.
Oblong Sunglasses

Oblong essentially talks about a longer face. A long face needs distinguishing to divide the face into upper and low part. To buy a pit of sunglasses to suit this face type, make sure you buy tall frames and not small or else they will look ridiculously small for the face and make the face look longer. Buy broad frames which highlight your temple area and make it prominent.

Round Sunglasses

As mentioned for an angular face, the exact opposite applies here. A round face may be the result a heavy-set chin or plump cheeks and also head shape. To reduce so, make sure you buy geometric designs and angular frames. These will ensure your face looks more interesting and with a good color will really look great.

Apart from the shape of the face, a lot of other factors like your skin tone and hair can influence your decision to buy sunglasses.

I would love to hear your thoughts on how to choose sunglasses for a perfect feminine face. Please leave me a comment and let me know.

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