

Kathy Posner Figures Out The Numbers!


Kathy Posner

Employees who work in the public sector are always crying that they get paid less than those in a comparable job in the private sector. Citizens are always hearing about the “sacrifices” government employees make while they are serving their country, city or state. But is this true?

The Illinois Policy Institute a not-for-profit, “nonpartisan research organization dedicated to supporting free market principles and liberty-based public policy initiatives for a better Illinois,” decided to research “who gets paid more?” They recently issued a 26 page report (on the differences in governmental and private employee compensation in Illinois.

As usual, I read the 26 page report so you don’t have to. I have copied some of the Institute’s key findings below.

Average Employee Compensation in Illinois

Overall, the average compensation for an Illinois government worker is higher than the average compensation for a private sector worker in Illinois. It is estimated that in 2008:

• Compensation per state government employee averaged $69,500, which is 23 percent more than the private sector worker average of $56,500. Much of the difference was in employer paid benefits, which were more than 1.5 times that of private employees. State employees

received 16 percent more in wages and salaries than private employees.

• Compensation per local government employee averaged $63,100, which is 12 percent more than the private sector worker average of $56,500. Much of the difference was in employer paid benefits, which were more than 1.5 times that of private employees. Local government employees received 4 percent more in wages and salaries than private employees.

Career Compensation: Over a 40-year career, the private sector worker would receive compensation of $2,246,000. The state employee would receive $2,890,000 – which is $644,000 more than the private employee. The local government employee would receive $2,580,000, which is $334,000 more than the private employee.

Employer-Paid Benefits: The gap between private and government employee benefits in Illinois was substantially greater than the wage differential. In 2008:

• The average Illinoisan working in the private sector received $9,300 in employer-paid benefits.

• The average state government worker received $14,600 in employer-paid benefits, which is

more than 1.5 times that of the average private employee.

• The average local government worker received $14,200 in employer-paid benefits, which is more than 1.5 times that of the average private employee.

Total Compensation: As a result of their higher wages, salaries and benefits, state and local government workers in Illinois have higher overall compensation than private sector workers. In 2008:

• The average private sector worker received $56,500 in total compensation.

• The average state government worker received $69,500 in total compensation; 23 percent higher than that of the average private sector worker.

• The average local government worker received $63,100 in total compensation; 12 percent higher than that of the average private sector employee.

Kathy's Conclusion:

The next time government employees start complaining about how they sacrifice a high salary to serve the citizens, show them this report. Tell them to stop crying in their beer and to buy you a glass of champagne. It’s your tax dollars paying for both drinks.

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