The new cover of Steppin Out magazine features Nadya "Octomom" Suleman. The shocking photos and interview are amazing!

Here's what Octomom tells celebrity journalist Chaunce Hayden about sex and love....



I've never known love before my kids. My friends say I'm a different breed. They say I'm out of this world. Because of certain things in childhood I have never prioritize relationships. Some people need that attachment to another person their age to be happy. I don't base happiness with having a relationship with a man. I only had one boyfriend my whole life and I never loved him. I only wanted babies. I even told him that. That's how I was raised. It's the truth. My marriage thing is something I can't really say much about. I can tell you that I never touched him physically. It was a different type of marriage. That's all I want to say about it. I'm the kind of person who can be with a man for years and never touch him. My mind is not wired that way. I don't need that kind of thing. People need sex but I don't. I have been celibate for 12 years. I have zero sexual interest. I've never even touched myself in that way. Maybe if I had touched myself things would be different. It's like a trigger food. I never tried it so I don't know what I'm missing. Not once in my life. I couldn't even imagine kissing something. I'll be your friend but it would take at least 5 years for me to even consider having sex with you. There's probably one man out of 6.6 million in the world for me.

On her fertility doctor who just lost his medical license:

If it wasn't for him I would have none of my children. But he was unprofessional. I do believe something happened in the room when the embryos were transferred. I was given a cocktail of drugs so I wasn't in a lucid state of mind because it's a very painful procedure. The medical board felt they did what was right. Although I feel it was harsh.


I don't watch TV and I don't have access to the internet. I'm only involved in my own domain. If you meet me, you'll bash the media. You'll find out the media is cruel and liars. In fact, they'll all malicious pathological lairs. They do it because it sells. Misery loves company. I did say the sound of another infant makes me cringe. But what do you want from me? I'm just being honest. But I love my kids! I just don't want anymore.

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