
Robert De Niro

BRADLEY LIMITLESS --- I had a chance to finally see Limitless which came out in the Spring, with Bradley Cooper and Robert DeNiro. Cooper, of course, is the young (alarmingly handsome) actor who shot to seemingly instant stardom with his two Hangover movies; after several scene-stealing roles in Wedding Crashers; The A Team and What About Steve. A graduate of The Actors Studio, he certainly has a distinct style, but is still evolving. This role was particularly interesting as he was one of the producers and supposedly convinced Bobby D to get involved. The first aspect that grabbed me, was that this supposed high-profile movie was shot like a little indie one. The direction by Neil Burger is efficient and moving; really terrific in fact. It's based on the novel by Alan Glynn, whereby a pill makes one use all of their brain abilities, instead of the typically smaller portion. The one side effect is that you've got to keeping taking it and it tends to burn you out. If you buy the premise – and, at first you do so willingly, it all works, but I found as the movie progressed, more and more holes came to light. Nevertheless, the performances by Cooper and DeNiro are worth the price of admission alone. Cooper's character Eddie Morra starts off as a writer, writes a successful book, then you never hear about it again. Odd, right? Abbie Cornish's role as his girlfriend Lindy is excellent. Every time she was on the screen, I was riveted. Again, if you buy the premise, you'll love it and Cooper is a star for sure ... but, a still-developing one. It'll be interesting to see what happens … always is with someone of his caliber!


Chuck Scarborough

NBC STRONG --- There's been no TV network hit harder as NBC in the last decade. Sure, 30 Rock is a bona fide hit, but since the demise of their Seinfeld show ( in 1998, after nine seasons), they've been sorely in need of some serious help. When NBC/Universal (yes, that's what they go by these days) was snapped up by upstart net-operation Comcast; terror filled the hallways there, as the new outfit was known as a cost cutting, no bullshit type of employer. Dick Ebersol, who worked at the NBC for an unprecedented 37 years was among the first to go. Sports-broadcaster Len Berman, a terrific fellow I've known for years, was let go as well … even though he now comes back here and there. I was up this week at NY Live, or as I like to call it, the new Live At Five and ran into two of the network’s past-and-former stars, Jane Hanson (9 local Emmy awards) and Janice Huff. I've known Jane for years and when she was jettisoned, it was indeed dark day for the network. Smart, funny and extremely talented … any network would be lucky to have her. She projects an air of authority and knowledge ... and, she gives a very good interview. But, she's back now and seeing her was a very welcomed treat indeed. Janice I first met when she was doing a show with one Scott Winters based around the NY-lottery called NY Wired … I kid you not! Again, she has progressed to the network's top weather-meteorologist and is a great, great personality. These two, along with Sue Simmons and Chuck Scarborough, are the guiding light of their local division. If you're listening Comcast ... don't ever let them go.


Ann Curry

SPEAKING OF PEACOCKS --- About the news re this errant peacock flying the coop, so to speak, from the zoo and landing on a fifth-floor window sill … boy, NBC sure seems to be having maybe a bit too much fun with. Ann Curry inferred that the bird was going to sue the network for all the years of supposed copyright infringement … and, after what I just said above, hey, why not! And, several twitter accounts have sprung up supposedly from the bird itself! I also strongly believe that the news has just been so god awful- bad of late, what with Washington letting down the country and all, that this fun story has been a godsend for us all. Onward and upward!


John Travolta

MEN OF STEEL --- Usually when a forthcoming movie loads a stellar cast, the initial reaction is one of shock and wonder; that it could either be a winner … or, maybe a turkey. The almost-in-production movie Gotti – with John Travolta and Al Pacino is definitely one that could go either way, but the latest re-booting of the Superman series, with Zach Snyder helming, looks to be one to watch. The cast so far, includes: Lawrence Fishburne as Perry White; Henry Cavill as Superman; Amy Adams as Lois Lane … and, Kevin Costner, Diane Lane, and Christopher Meloni. Now … that's cast! This could be very good indeed. Speaking of Pacino … in my neighborhood today, they're lensing the Phil Spector/HBO movie … ironically produced by a company called Wall Of Sound productions … for those in the know, that's what the esteemed-producer would jokingly call his recordings … the Wall Of Sound! Written and directed by David Mamet … this should be a great one!

Editors Note: The Web Gossip Is Written By Someone In The Entertainment Business, That Does Not Wish To Be Revealed. He Handles Many Celebrities And Has His Pulse On Everything In New York City And Beyond !

Photos By: RD/Orchon/Kenny/Dziekan/Leon/Retna

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