Shutter Island: Visually Dense And Disturbing In Tone

In Martin Scorsese's return to his thriller root is Leonardo DiCaprio as a U.S. Marshall Edward Daniels, who with his new partner Chuck Aule (Mark Ruffalo), will investigate the disappearance of a patient in “Shutter Island”, home of the Ashcliffe Hospital for the Criminally Insane. Unfortunately, Daniels is not even the most stable mentally, since he was suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder brought on by the death of his wife (Michelle Williams) and his time liberating Dachau during WWII. Investigate the disappearance of a particularly violent offender in the secret and impenetrable place surrounded by water, Daniels is instead drawn to the peculiarities of the hospital's chief physician, Dr. Cawley (Ben Kingsley), and the secrets hidden amongst the patients. The man who’s already at a breaking point, finding his frustration with the staff's lack of answers intensified as the island is walloped by a hurricane, making exit impossible. However, while also constantly plagued by severe migraine attacks, nightmares and visions, Daniels soon uncover a series of sinister human experiments, reminiscent of Nazi human experimentation in the gloomy place. And finally, when the whole truth comes to the light, the truth is really not something that has been

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