Presidents’ Day Weekend at Dumont

My son and husband are getting ready for their end-of-the-season trip to the Dumont Sand Dunes, that place where ATV lovers of all types converge in the cooler months. The Presidents’ Day weekend is the last three-dayer between now and the blistering summer heat. After early spring, it will be October before the temperature cools enough for riding.

Last year I spent the day hiking in China Ranch before I met my men at the Dunes, but this year I’m staying home. I’m applying for a job in Australia, and I’ve got a book to finish editing. Besides, I prefer my sand dunes on the quiet side. Dumont is a lot of things, but quiet is not one of them.

(Hopefully, my hubby will take an occasional break from zooming over the dunes to snap a few pictures for the blog.)
Photo information: my pictures last year (2008) from Presidents’ Day weekend at Dumont.

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