Chun Li Back To Roundhouse Kickin' In The Street

Would you care if Hollywood gonna launch another game based movie again? Especially when it had something to do with “Street Fighter,” which the first Hollywood effort to bring this franchise on the big screen was nothing more than a crap? “Street Fighter” that released on 1994 was a flop in US, it only able to produce 33 million against it modestly 35 million budgets. Thanks to the worldwide gross that still kindhearted to contribute a lot more money, so in the end the film could reach 99 million points. By that, I’m somewhat admired Fox’s courageousness to support this second live-action film based on thos “Street Fighter “series. In a different patch with the previous film, “Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li,” like its title will focusing more on this popular heroine in the fighting game, Chun-Li. But other than

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