2007 seems like a little unkind year for Sci-fi movies, none of this theme of movie that could become a blockbuster this year. Titles like “Next”, “Sunshine”, or “The Invasion”, all were thumbed down by the fever of sequel movies which conquered the year (Except “Transformer” which I think more to an action fantasy than a science fiction). Every year, the genre seems keep reduced by the quantities even the qualities, it’s kind of missing about when will Hollywood could repeat it glorious with Sci-fi movies just like the time when films such as, “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”, “Alien”, “E.T” or “Blade Runner” topped with its magic charm on the audiences. Asian tries to fill the quietness of sci-fi world in Hollywood by create their own style of the genre, and how about the result? For sure, we don’t know until these films out for
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