
HERE HERE DANIELLE -- Female artists are enjoying a renaissance like never before: Duffy; Adele; Pink; Katy Perry; Rebecca Friday; Pink; Christina Aguilera; Avril Lavigne; Lady Gaga; Amy Macdonald; Nicky Minaj, Beyonce, Natassa Bedingfield, and, of course, the late-Amy Winehouse. Like it or not, it's been a veritable feast of talent. A long time ago (in a place faraway) teen talent - not to mention female talent was in a real decline. In the mid-80's Debbie Gibson and Tiffany more or less re launched the business model of being a teen idol. Tiffany toured malls and really began to break through via that plan;Gibson, on the other hand, wrote her own music which gave her an immediate leg up, but they both scored big worldwide. There's always been one teen idol or another on the scene; The Monkees (all 4 of them!) were certified idols due to their TV show and subsequent albums. It's always amazed me how young the new batch seem to be; or, is it that I'm just getting older? A little bit of both I think. The latest entry on the scene is 14-year old Danielle Dease (Manifest Records), who has just burst onto the music scene with her album entitled Secret Admirer. PR-man David Salidor (who incidentally, was part of Gibson's team back in those hallowed-days) is working with this talented-new 14-year old and says that if the talent is there and real, the sky's the limit these days. “Look at the whole Rebecca Friday-phenomenon. She did the video, it went viral, the song became a hit and she's in the Katy Perry video. True-talent still rises to the top.” Danielle's album evidences a real talent, no question at all. Our favorite track here “Famous” is deliciously good; with exacting lyrics about fame in the fast lane. According to Admirer's producer (and, her manager) John Wynne, “That song was written years ago, but the lyrical content stuck in my head for all this time and when we were selecting songs for Danielle, it just came up as a perfect choice.” We also loved the track “Happily Ever Over You” which bristles at a propulsive pace and shows off her vocal talent. “Get Me To The Weekend” is another favorite. Wynne struck a deal with the national FYE-chain to distribute the album and Danielle is currently on a cross-country, in-store tour to promote it. Amazingly, at such a tender age, she's the real deal. Check her site here....


FACES OF GROUND ZERO --- As New York gears up for the tenth anniversary of 9/11, I just saw a particularly stunning exhibition called Faces of Ground Zero; a photographic series of persons involved in the events of that day, from photographer Joe McNally ... and, how they look and what they say ten years later. I had mixed feeling of seeing it; would the anguish of that day be immediately brought back, or what? But, I must say I was hooked instantly as what they had to say was terrifically uplifting and positive. It's at the Time Warner Center in NYC and I urge you to take a look. You'll feel spiritually renewed. Check their site right here....


Micky Dolenz

MICKY DOLENZ AT PLANET HOLLYWOOD -- We've just learned that none other than Monkee-Micky Dolenz will be the subject of a memorabilia presentation at NY's Planet Hollywood on Wednesday, September 21. Over the years, Robert Earl's terrific outpost has hosted everyone from Will Smith to Don Johnson; Bruce Willis and Justin Timberlake, and we know that Dolenz will be a most welcomed addition. Dolenz is continuing his solo tour, in the wake of The Monkees' 45th tour being wrapped up. Plus, we hear he's audition for a big role in one of the Great white Way's biggest hits!


Julianna Margulies

FALL INFO --- In another two weeks, all the major networks -and, cable nets- will unleash their new fall series. Next week, we'll have in depth look at what could be the next big series. we here are anxiously awaiting the season premieres of CBS' The Good Wife with Julianna Margulies; and FOX's Fringe. The former ended last season with Margulies and Josh Charles alone at last ... and, in a hotel room; while Fringe's season-ender closed with the disappearance (?) of Joshua Jackson's character Peter Bishop ... which could lead to a major game-change in the show. I think his character will return in short-order (I mean, how could he not?) but, with a different agenda. We'll see!

Photos By: RD/Orchon/Derek Storm/Retna

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