All over the world, nutrition myths are important for people when choosing their foods. The belief that a certain aliment is good for you, while another one is really dangerous has affected many people’s diet. Great aliments became ‘the enemies’ of health in our minds, while we continue to fill our plates with fried chips and our glasses with soda. Here is a list of the most popular nutrition myths circulating worldwide. While some are somewhat true, most of them are completely wrong and desperately require clarification .
1. Sea salt is healthier than regular salt
This is one of the most popular, but also fakest nutrition myths out there. The sea salt vs. regular salt controversy is pointless: they both contain the same amount of sodium per tea spoon: 2,200milligrams. Moreover, the minerals which are supposed to be contained in the sea salt are in a neglectful quantity, especially when you think at the immense quantity of salt you should ingest so that the few minerals within the sea salt to make a difference. What is also good to know is that, while regular salt is usually fortified with iodine, of which you probably heard, sea salt does not contain this important element what so ever.
2. Diet soda is great in…diets
This is also not true! Apparently, diet soda contains some artificial sweeteners which are even worse for you than the regular ones. Not only are they unhealthy but they will lead to uncontrolled food urges during the day. A University of Texas study showed that people who consumed only 3 diet sodas per week had 40 % more chances to become obese. A much safer option is carbonated water.
3. Sugar Causes Diabetes
This is the most common of all nutrition myths. The idea that sugar causes diabetes is based on the fact that a person who is sick with this awful disease must watch his sugar and carbohydrate intake, with the help of a Dietitian. However, sugar is not to blame for developing type 2diabetes. Having wrong life style, based on a high calories diet, being inactive and overweight are more likely to get you there.
4. Egg yolks raise your cholesterol
The egg yolk does NOT raise your cholesterol level. A research in this area has proven that the dietary cholesterol contained by this aliment has nothing to do with the serum cholesterol which reaches your blood and gets you sick. Wake Forest University researches proved that there is no connection between eggs and heart diseases. Moreover, eating eggs at breakfast is believed to reduce the calorie intake for the rest of the day.
5. Fat is bad
This is not entirely true. There are some fats that are not only good, but even necessary for your organism. We all need them: fats are important for nutrition absorption, and nerve transmission. What is more, they help maintaining cell membrane integrity. Do not deprive small children of fats! It is a very important nutrient for them. However, consumed in large amounts, they will make you gain weight and they will cause heart diseases, as well as some types of cancer. What is also very important to know is that there are bad fats (satured or trans) and good fats (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated), such as those coontained in nuts,or fish for example. Paying attention to the type of fats you’re eating is crucial to maintaining your health.
6. Chocolate is harmful
Some people believe that eating chocolate is a bad thing for health. This is one of the nutrition myths circulating worldwide which couldn’t be more wrong: cocoa, the main ingredient of chocolate, is actually very healthy, being rich in flavonoids, which are known to increase blow flow and to release endorphins, the hormones responsible with enhancing your mood. Furthermore, chocolate contain a good kind of saturated fat, called stearic acid which is great for your health, increasing the level of HDL cholesterol. However, not all kinds of chocolate are healthy. Whenchosing your chocolate, look for the one containing the most cocoa possible. The darker the better. Milk chocolate is indeed bad, as it contains a lot of sugar.
7. Bananas are the best source of potassium
Potassium is a very important element for your organism: it helps keeping your nerves and muscles firing efficiently, and if you ingest a sufficient quantity of potassium, the sodium’s effect on blood pressure may be diminished. Apparently, your potassium intake should be twice the sodium intake, so that the wished effect takes place. Considering that the average American consumes about 3,400 milligrams of sodium every single day, it is extremely difficult to reach the required amount, without taking potassium supplements. Bananas only won’t help you for sure! A middle sized one will bring you about 422 milligrams of potassium, which is more than 10 times less than you need so that potassium can really work on your body.
8. Meat is bad for you
This is again one of those nutrition myths which are likely to affect people’s health, if not rectified. Meat is actually very important in a human’s diet: pork, lamb and beef are best sources of complete protein. Also, meat is rich in vitamin B12, important in building red blood cells, as well as in preventing age-related brain shrinkage. If you are wondering if there is no risk whatsoever, than you should know that processed meat, such as bacon, sausages, or cold cuts will indeed increase your risk of developing a heart disease. Unprocessed meat is perfectly safe!
9. All brown grain products are made of whole grains
This couldn’t be more wrong! Brown dyes and additives may give grain products a ‘healthy’ brown appearance which will and it is probably supposed to, deceive you to buy them. If you want to be positive that you are buying whole grain aliments, make sure you are reading the label. A minimum of 85 grams of whole grains per day should insure you a much lower risk of diabetes, heart diseases and stroke.
10. Vitamin supplements are always necessary
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