


Vinny Parco

It's been a while since I penned an article for Times Square Gossip, but I'm back.

In the world of private investigations a lot has happened.

As the economy tanks more and more people are filing for bankruptcy.This is a window of opportunity for fraudsters. Some individuals and companies are using the bankruptcy laws to get away from paying bills fraudulently. Investigators are analyzing bankruptcy files to look for items that are not stated such as unreported income,accounts receivables and other assets that are conveniently omitted by the petitioner.

Now that school will be starting soon many school districts throughout the country are hiring private investigators to verify if the children live within the school district. Many parents try to get their children in a better school district even if they don't live there so they can get a better education. P.I.'s are doing record checks and interviewing neighbors .

One of the crimes that irks most people is identity theft.This is becoming more popular by crooks because it is so easy for them to get information from so many sources. For example, a clerk in a department store, who is making minimum wage, is approached by a man or woman asking them if they want to make some money on the side.Then they ask them to get credit card receipts from customers, and the crooks use these receipts to order goods on the purloined credit card information.The employee might make a few hundred dollars from this scam until they get caught.The customer then has to cancel their credit cards fill out forms to get reimbursed and generally they are greatly inconvenienced.

Another law that might affect Private Investigators is S.3214, Surreptitious Video Surveillance Act introduced by Sen. Arlen Spector (D-PA), if enacted, would amend Title III of the Omnibus Crime and control Act of 1968 as amended by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986, otherwise known as the Wiretap Act. It would treat certain video surveillance as electronic surveillance under wire communications with prohibitions where a subject would have reasonable expectation of privacy. Sen. Russ Feingold (S-WI) and Sen. Ted Kaufman (D-DE) are sponsors.

This bill arose from an incident involving he Lower Merion School District's provision of laptop computers use by students at Harrington High School in Pennsylvania. The computers, activated remotely by school officials, displayed images of a student in his home that appeared to show him using drugs. Civil litigation ensued, along with extensive media coverage, According to the McClatchy Newspapers, the school system secretly captured thousands of images of webcam pictures and screen shots as well as creating a record of he websites visited by he students and excerpts of their online chats That was was followed U.S. Senate Judiciary Subcommittee hearing on March 29 and the introduction of S3214 by Senator Spector

on April 15.

A few years ago, they tried to pass a law that would hamper investigators from taking videos of insurance fraud claimants because of privacy issues.This law was defeated and we hope that any new laws enacted will not hamper investigators in their job of catching fraudsters.

How To Contact Vincent Parco, P.I., Inc

Certified Forensic Examiner

Certified Fraud Examiner

875 6th Avenue, Suite 206

New York, New York 10001

Tel: (212) 779-2000

Fax: (212) 779-2545



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