Twenty-six-year-old Seema Bhadoria is already a Guinness world record holder for pulling eight Maruti cars simultaneously with her teeth. This is in addition to having pulled a plane and a 450-ton ship using only her very strong set of choppers.
In a public demonstration in the city center on Sunday July 17, Seema stunned a crowd of onlookers by pulling a huge truck up to 100 meters with her teeth!
“When I was a kid, I saw a Sikh man pulling a railway engine. That’s where I drew my inspiration… I thought that if he could pull a rail engine, I could at least pull a van. So, I practiced in the same way like he did. Eventually, I managed to pull a van,” Seema told the press.
But Seema aspired to reach even greater goals, especially after her name appeared in a local newspaper. Despite the initial objections of her family, in 1994 at the tender age of nine, she began her first “pulling endeavor” which was a bucket full of water.
Always looking forward, Seema’s next pulling target will be a railway locomotive.
It would seem that the only boundaries to human endeavor are those imposed by men and women themselves.
Check out this video of an Indian man pulling an airplane with his teeth. One can only wonder who their dentists are and how much they charge!
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