Men In Black III's Barry Sonnenfeld's Raises Funds for the Hayground School at The Chef's Dinner

Story By: Sara Herbert Galloway

Eric Ripert With Wife Sandra And Isaac Mizrahi Celebrity Guest Chef

Sara Herbert-Galloway And Barry Sonnenfeld

I spoke with Barry Sonnenfeld, who's arm was in a sling after being injured filming a scene with Will Smith on MIB III. He was smiling and giving of his time and energy at The Chefs Dinner 2011, benefiting the Hayground School in Bridgehampton where he has been a long time supporter.

Sonnenfeld said that he was injured while shooting an action scene on the currently filming NYC set of MIB III. He laughed saying," It's true, no joke, Will Smith did it." This is Sonnenfeld's third production of the much anticipated MIB. We hope it's another blockbuster. Sonnenfeld did not complain about his injury as he ran around encouraging people to bid on the art and jewelry to benefit the Hayground School. Hmm, perhaps a Will Smith autograph on his sling would have fetched a fair amount.

Hosts of the event were famous chef, Eric Ripert of Le Bernadin and his lovely wife Sandra along with Toni Ross and the Leon Levy Foundation. The ever charismatic Isaac Mizrahi was the Celebrity Guest 'Chef' along other world famous chef's. The line-up and the food made one's taste buds tingle. Some of the other chef's participating were Mark Forgione, Marc Meyer, Josh Capone, Jonathan Waxman, Harold Dieterle, Michael White, Gerry Hayden, Claudia Fleming, Jason Weiner, Bryan Futerman, and Michael White. It was one delicious dish after another. A perfect event for a beautiful Hampton's summer Sunday.

Photos By: Sara Herbert-Galloway

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