Kyra Sedgwick

TNT EXPLODES --- Even though we're knee-deep in July, cable-net TNT last night unloaded two of its biggest shows: First, The Closer, featuring the absolutely stunning Kyra Sedgwick. I loved her in the 1996 movie Phenomenon with John Travolta … but, she never really exploded on the screen until the 2005 premiere of The Closer. She's just a terrific actress in that she comes with her own modus operandi and brings you, the viewer, to her. I actually met her once at a premiere party once and talked to her for quite awhile: I found her totally captivating, intelligent and funny. The show has a stellar cast, terrific writing and acting. It's firing on all cylinders. The writing is above-average great; the supporting cast is stellar (with Jon Tenney; G.W. Baily and Anthony Denison standing out); and, this is the final season of the show and should be excellent. Can't wait! Second: Rizzoli and Isles starring the awesome Angie Harmon (Jane Rizzoli) and Sasha Alexander (Maura Isles) as two crime-fighting sleuths thrown together. Harmon, who I've adored since her days on Law & Order is firstly, easy on the eyes, but is actually a very talented actor who while delivering dialogue at times bordering on vapid, makes almost everything she does very believable. On last season's finale, while being held hostage, she actually grabbed the bad guy's arm with the gun, and shot herself (and, him) through her shoulder. Besides being a rather chilling scene .. her plan worked; as she was able to subdue him after he was shot - he was actually as surprised as we viewers were! Alexander as the doctor-part of the team, is very believable and makes a perfect partner for Harmon; dispensing valuable information with a most human touch. Guns and girls … what could be better?


Bruce Bozzi Jr.

SHORT TAKES --- We hear the principals at The Palm restaurant have been in preliminary talks with Riese Restaurants (Lindy's, Carvel, TGIF, Charley O's, Nathan's, Nedick's, Pizza Hut) to take over the 30+ Palm restaurants across the country. It's the latest salvo in the ongoing downsizing at the once-fabulous eatery. It's certainly not the worst thing that could happen to the 80+ year old chain; the name would live on and most of the restaurants would survive; possibly even returning to their heyday as one of the best white-table cloth restaurants around … ever. A recent check of their web site found it to be hopelessly out of date and out of step. We still think their baked clams are the best we've ever had. Sometimes, it's a good time to sell; as the New York Post's Claire Atkinson would say. We wish owner and operator Bruce Bozzi, Jr. all the best in this possible deal. It'd be terrific he were kept on in some capacity to run things. I mean, the names Pio Bozzi and John Ganzi go hand-in-hand with the name.


Harry Smith

HOW YOU DOING HARRY? --- How about CBS newsman (one of the best they've ever had) Harry Smith going over to NBC to start a new magazine show with their Brian Williams? Smith has toiled for the network for an amazing 25 years … even cow-towing to being dismissed at the morning show (The Early Show) when the ratings sunk to a new low. Hey CBS: Harry Smith was one of the best things ever that awful show had. Here's to you Mr. Smith.


Ann Curry

SWEET ANN --- While we're talking TV: How about how well Ann Curry has been handling her new duties as co-anchor on NBC's The Today Show. She's been just stellar. We never had any doubt!!! ...



DAYME AT SPIKE HILL --- We've been telling you about a new music star on the horizon: Dayme. This young woman writes her own material, is a standout performer and will become a huge personality on the national music scene in very short order. Her forthcoming CD Fusion Sundae is jam packed with sensational material... we've heard it. She's been described as a female Bruno Mars … and, you know the kind of year he's had! She's appearing this Wednesday at Williamsburg's Spike Hill and I urge you to see her. Here's their site.


Steven Tyler

FIRE & RAIN --- One new book on the scene by David Browne called Fire and Rain is just generating some terrific reviews. We haven't yet received it, but it's on the way now. It describes several classic albums of those halcyon times and how society was influenced by them. Having grown up smack dab in those years... this is so true. I still cannot believe how many terrific music-oriented books and music- biographies have been released this year: Steven Tyler; Sammy Hager; Keith Richards; Patti Smith; Bob Mould; Pete Townsend; and, next year: Greg Allman and Bill Idol.


Regis Philbin

REEGE ALERT --- And, here's one rather delicious rumor we've been hearing over and over the last few days: Regis Philbin will ink a new deal with ABC and continue his run with Regis and Kelly. We hope it's true ... mornings wouldn't be the same without him! And, ABC should be ashamed of itself for ever thinking America could do without him!


Rupert Murdoch

MURDOCH WATCH -- Is it really collapsing all around him? Now, allegations of improper conduct have spread to the U.S. Yes, it really is!

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