A Kiss Of Unknown Girl Saved Boy's Life

A 16-year-old girl saved the life of a boy in a fairy-tale-like manner. A kiss from an unknown girl saved a boy who was all set to kill himself jumping off the top of a building.

Lio Wenjiu was returning from her work when she noticed on her way that people had gathered near a building. After some enquiry, she learnt that a boy was standing atop a building and threatened to kill himself.

The 11-year-old boy had a knife in his hand. Wenjiu noticed that the people that had gathered there were merely playing onlookers instead of trying to save the boy. She decided to take initiative.

She went up to the police that had been called to the spot and said the boy is her boyfriend and she is the reason behind his attempt to suicide. Wenjiu – who works in hotel as a waitress – did not know even the name of the boy.

Her lie helped her persuade police to allow her to approach the boy. She approached him and tried to find the reason that made him think of suicide.

The boy told her that he lost his mother long ago and his step mother tortured him. Later, his step-mother ran away with all the money that his father had and left them to fend for themselves.

The boy also lamented that no one loved him nor did any one trust him. He said a life without love or trust is not worth living so he wanted to die.

The irony of the whole situation was that Wenjiu had a similar story to tell. Local media reported that the girl keot crying throughout the time when the boy was telling his story. It was later learnt that the she, too, lost her parents in early childhood and had to take care of a handicapped sister at a young age. Wenjiu had to drop out of school to work for a living. She told her story to the boy while police stealthily approached him.

Just when the police had reached close enough, Wenjiu grabbed the boy and kissed her. The Police then managed to snatch the knife from the boy’s hand and he was saved.

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