Black and White Art on The Wall - Adds Drama and Sophistication

Black and White Art on The Wall

The dining room had walls the color of terracotta pots and a classic Greek keystone pattern ran around the bottom of glossy black crown molding. The wall had at least a dozen black and white photos of architectural details. Obviously I was impressed. Any moment Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall could have walked through the door!

You might not be ready for something this dramatic. However the look of black and white art on a wall can make a highly sophisticated statement. When you are shopping for black and white images, keep in mind the main elements that viewers notice are line and mass.

Many images will have grey tones throughout and this helps soften the overall look or you can select highly distinctive pieces with bold lines and large shapes.

The size of the image will determine the level of intrigue that the viewer experiences. For example, a series of small images will invite closer inspection and a single large image will increase the power of the subject.

A few suggestions for finishing your black and white artwork:

Black and White Art on The WallSuggestions:

  • Look for mats in subtle shades from beige to rose.
  • Try double mats with a narrow liner of a bright color such as scarlet.
  • Try mats with colored edges that are less expensive than double mats.
  • Matt black frames won’t overpower the image as would a gloss finish or gold frame.
  • A white frame can create a totally different look for the image
  • Remember that you are about to invite drama into your home – If you see Bogie or Bacall don’t be surprised.

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