My my my .. a whole lot of Insults

You're as fake as that padded bra you're wearing

sweetie, if your going to be two-faced;at least make one of them pretty

I never forget a face, but in your case I'll make an exception

Laugh at your problems, everybody else does.

"Call yourself a supermodel, where's your professional footballer?"-unknown

If I agreed with you, we'd both be wrong

Don't be so humble - you are not that great. ~ Unknown

The woman who tells her age is either too young to have anything to lose or too old to have anything to gain

She doesn't understand the concept of Roman numerals. She thought we just fought in world war eleven~
Joan Rivers

We'll love you just the way you are if you're perfect~
Alanis Morissette

I'm not your type. I'm not inflatable.

A thought crossed your mind? Must have been a long and lonely journey

Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone. - Dorothy Thompson

It ain’t the jeans that make your butt look fat.

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