Macabre of Asian Horror and Saw Gruesomeness

This time, I want to take a break from previewing Hollywood big summer movies and given some spaces to discussing another Asian horror film, kind of still not given up with the anemic genre. It’s probably because I found some likely good hopes in this one upcoming title from Indonesian showbiz called “Macabre.” The country’s horror cinema progression seemingly quite strong and persistent, but only in quantity, looking for a quality one above that bunch is actually like seeking a small pin in a mountain of straw. My friend at Twitch even described the huge majority of horror pictures produced there (and there are a lot of them) are cranked out fast and cheap and, frankly, aren’t worth the celluloid they’re printed on assuming they were lucky enough to be shot on film in the first place. What a biting statement but really striking to the core! “Macabre” thankfully is not like any of that lot, and that’s what makes it good and promising.

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