Watchmen: It's Truly Not An Ordinary Superhero Film

Zack Snyder’s adaptation of the most revered graphic novel of all time “Watchmen,” has had no shortage of media attention since it began production in 2007, not to mention its pesky lawsuit also. In its first place, “Watchmen” graphic novel is already something that odd to adapt, the timeline jumps in and out of multiple flashbacks, each chapter contains additional documents – letters, magazine articles etc. - which fill in important back story details and one minor character reads a comic-within-the-comic entitled “Tales of the Black Freighter,” which parallels the wider narrative themes. Those were enough to cause the most skillful filmmaker to leave it well alone. And since the studio announced that “Watchmen” was going to be made, the web has been flooded with fan boy discussion about who would direct it, and who would play The Watchmen, and would the film be faithful to the novel? But when Zack Snyder comes in against all seeming inevitabilities, he’s actually succeeded in completing a film of “Watchmen.”

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