Aadesh (command; message)
Aadi (first; most important)
Aabha (light)
Aabharan (Jewel)
Aabher (a cow herd)
Aadarsh (One who has principles)
Aadhishankar (Sri Shankaracharya, founder of Adwaitha Philosophy)
Aadhunik (modern, new)
Aadinath (God, Supreme Ruler of the Universe, the first God)
Aaditey (Son of Aditi)
Aafreen (encouragement)
Aagney (son of the Fire God)
Aahlaad (delight)
Aahlaadith (Joyous person)
Aahwaanith (one who has been invited,wanted)
Aakar (form, shape)
Aakash (the sky, vast like the sky)
Aakanksh (Desire)
Aalam (ruler, king, the whole world)
Aalap (musical prelude)
Aalok (Cry of victory)
Aamod (Pleasant.Accept)
Aandaleeb (The Bulbul bird)
Aashish (blessings; Aashirwad)
Aatish (Explosive, a Dynamic person)
Aabheer, Abheer (a cow herd)
Abbas (a family name)
Abhay (fearless)
Abhayananda (one who is delights in remaining fearless)
Abhayaprada (bestower of safety, another name for Vishnu)
Abheek (fearless)
Abhibhava (overpowering, powerful, victorious)
Abhichandra (with a moon like face, one of the 7 Manus of the Sevtambara jaina sect)
Abhidi (radiant)
Abhihita (expression, word, name)
Abhijat (Noble, wise)
Abhijaya (conquest, complete victory)
Abhijit, Abhijeet (victorious)
Abhijvala (blazing forth)
Abhilash (desire)
Abhimand (gladdening)
Abhimani (full of pride, another name for Agni as the eldest son of Brahma)
Abhimanyu (Arjuna's son)
Abhimanyusuta (son or Abhimanyu)
Abhimoda (joy, delight)
Abhinabhas (renowned, famous)
Abhinanda (to rejoice, to celebrate, to praise, to bless, delight)
Abhinandana (felicitous, welcoming)
Abhinatha (lord of desires, another name for kama)
Abhinav (novel)
Abhinava (new, young, fresh, modern, a sakta notable for his great leaning and spiritual attainment)
Abhirup (pleasing)
Abhishek (an auspicious bath for a deity; anointing)
Abhisoka (passionate, loving)
Abhisumat (radiant, another name of sun)
Abhisyanta (splendid, a son of Kuru and Vahini)
Abhivira (surrounded by heroes, a commander)
Abhra (cloud)
Abhrakasin (with clouds for shelter, an ascetic)
Abhyagni (towards the fire, a son of Aitasa)
Abhyudaya (sunrise, elevation, increase, prosperity)
Abhyudita (elevated, risen, prosperous)
Abjayoni (born of the lotus, another name for Brahma)
Abjit (conquering water)
Achal (constant)
Achalapati (lord of the immovable, lord of mountain)
Achalendra (lord of the immovable, the Himalayas)
Achalesvara (god of the immovable, another name for Shiva)
Achanda (not of the hot temper, without anger, gentle)
Acharya, Aacharya (teacher, another name for Drona, Asvaghosa and Krpa)
Acharyanandana (son of the teacher, another name for Aswatthama)
Acharyasuta (son of the teacher, another name for Aswatthama)
Acaryatanaya (son of the teacher, another name for Aswatthama)
Achindra (flawless, uninterrupted, perfect)
Achintya (inconceivable; a name of Lord Shiva; beyond comprehension)
Achyut, Achyuta (imperishable; indestructible; a name of Vishnu)
Achyutaraya (worshipper of the infallible, a devotee of Vishnu)
Adalarasu (king of dance)
Adarsh (ideal)
Adesh (command)
Adhik (greater)
Adhikara (principal, controller, right)
Adhipa (king, ruler)
Adhita (a scholar)
Adil (sincere; just)
Adinath (the first lord; Lord Vishnu)
Adikavi (first poet)
Adit (from the beginning)
Aditeya (another name for the sun)
Aditya (the sun)
Adityanandana (son of the sun)
Adityavardhana (augmented by glory)
Adripathi (master of the mountains)
Adwaita, Advaitha (non-duality)
Adway, Adwaya (one; united)
Aftab,Aftaab (the sun)
Agasti, Agastya (name of a sage)
Agha (pre-eminent)
Aghat (destroyer of sin)
Agharna (the moon)
Agneya (son of agni)
Agnikumara (son of agni)
Agniprava (bright as the fire)
Agrim (leader; first)
Agriya (first best)
Ahsan (mercy)
Aijaz (favour)
Aiman (fearless)
Ainesh (the sun's glory)
Ajatashatru (without enemies)
Ajay (invincible; unconquerable)
Ajendra (king of mountains)
Ajinkya (invincible)
Ajit, Ajeet (invincible)
Ajitabh (one who has conquered the sky)
Ajitesh (Vishnu)
Ajmal (pious)
Ajamil (a mythological king)
Akalmash (stainless, pure)
Akash, Akaash, Aakaash (the sky)
Akbar (powerful)
Akhil (complete)
Akhilesh (lord of all)
Akmal (complete)
Akram (excellent)
Akroor (kind)
Akshan (eye)
Akshar (imperishable)
Akshath (indestructible)
Akshay (indestructible)
Akshit (permanent)
Akul (a name of Lord Shiva)
Alagan (handsome)
Alagarasu (handsome king, King of beauty)
Alam, Aalam (the whole world)
Alamgir (the lord of the whole world)
Aleem (knowledgeable)
Alhad (joy)
Ali (protected by god)
Alok (a man with lovely hair)
Aloke (light)
Badal (cloud; rain)
Badri (Lord Vishnu)
Badrinath (Lord Vishnu)
Badriprasad, Bhadriprasad (Lord Bhadri's gift)
Bahubali (a Jain Tirthakar)
Bahuleya (Lord Kartikeya)
Bajrang (a name of Lord Hanuman)
Balaaditya (young sun)
Balbir (strong)
Baldev (strong)
Balachandra (young moon)
Balagopal, Balgopal (baby krishna)
Balagovind (baby Krishna)
Balakrishna (baby Krishna)
Balamani (young jewel)
Balamohan(one who is attractive, young lord krishna)
Balaji (Lord Vishnu)
Balaraj (strong)
Balaram (the brother of Lord Krishna)
Balvindra, Balvinder (strong)
Balwant (strong)
Banbihari (Lord Krishna)
Bandhu (friend)
Bandhul (pleasing)
Bankebihari (Lord Krishna)
Bankim (curved)
Bankimchandra (crescent moon)
Bansi (flute)
Bansilal (Lord Krishna)
Barid (cloud)
Baridbaran (colour of the cloud)
Barindra (the ocean)
Barun (Lord of the Sea)
Basanta (spring)
Bashir (harbinger of good things)
Basistha, Vasishtha (a sage)
Basudha, Vasudha (earth)
Bhadrak (handsome)
Bhadraksh (one with beautiful eyes)
Bhajan (adoration)
Bhagirath (one who brought river Ganga to the earth)
Bhagwant (fortunate)
Bhagyaraj (lord of luck)
Bhairav (Lord Shiva)
Bhanu (the sun)
Bhanudas (a devotee of the sun)
Bhanuprasad (gift of sun)
Bharadwaj (a sage; a mythical bird)
Bharat (son of Shakuntala and founder of "Bharat" - a.k.a. India)
Bhargava (Lord Shiva)
Bhaskar (the sun)
Bhaumik (attached to the earth)
Bhavesh (lord of the world)
Bhim, Bheem (powerful, fearful)
Bhishma (one who has taken a terrible vow)
Bhooshan (decoration)
Bhooshit (decorated)
Bhudev (lord of the earth)
Bhupen (king)
Bhupendra (king of kings)
Bhushan (ornament)
Bhuvan (palace, one of the three worlds)
Bhuvanesh (the lord of the world Vishnu)
Bibek (conscience)
Bibhas (a raga)
Bibhavasu (the sun, fire)
Bikram (prowess)
Bilva (a sacred leaf)
Bindusar (an excellent pearl)
Bimal (pure)
Bipin, Vipin (forest)
Bitasok (one who does not mourn)
Bodhan (kindling)
Boudhayan (the name of a sage)
Brahmabrata ( ascetic)
Brahmadutt (dedicated to Lord Brahma)
Bratindra (devoted to right deeds)
Bhrij, Brijmohan (Lord Krishna)
Brijesh (god of the land 'Brij')
Buddhadeva (wise, Gautama Buddha)
Budhil (learned)
Chaitanya (the name of a saint; consciousness)
Chakor (a bird enamoured of the moon)
Chakrapani (Lord Vishnu)
Chakshu (eye)
Chaman (garden)
Chamanlal (garden)
Champak (a flower)
Chanchal (restless)
Chandak (the moon)
Chandan (sandalwood)
Chandra, Chandrabhan (the moon)
Chandrachur (Lord Shiva)
Chandrahas (bow of Shiva)
Chandrak (peacock feather)
Chandrakanta (the moon)
Chandrakishore (the moon)
Chandrakumar (the moon)
Chandramohan (attractive like the moon)
Chandrashekhar (one who holds moon in his hair knot, Lord Shiva)
Chandresh (lord of the moon)
Chandran (the moon)
Chandranath (the moon)
Chandraraj (moonbeam)
Chapal (quick)
Charan (feet)
Charanjit, Charanjeet (one who has won over the lord)
Chaturbhuj (strong, broad shouldered)
Chetan (consciousness, life)
Chetana (consciousness)
Chhandak (the charioteer of Lord Buddha)
Chidambar (one whose heart is as big as the sky)
Chidananda (Lord Shiva)
Chinmay (blissful)
Chinmayananda (blissful)
Chintamani (philosopher's stone)
Chirag (lamp)
Chiranjeev (immortal)
Chirantan (immortal)
Chirayu (immortal)
Chitrabhanu (fire)
Chitraksh (beautiful eyed)
Chitral (of variegated colour)
Chitrarath (the sun)
Chitrasen (a king of Gandharvas)
Chitta (mind)
Chittaranjan (joy of inner mind)
Chittaswarup (the supreme spirit)
Chittesh (lord of the soul)
Chudamani (jewel adorned by the gods)
Dabeet (warrior)
Daman (one who controls)
Damian (tamer)
Damodar (Lord Ganapati)
Darpan (a mirror)
Darshan (religious text)
Dasharath (the father of Lord Rama)
Dasharathi (Lord Rama)
Debashis (benediction of god)
Deenabandhu (friend of the poor)
Deep (a lamp)
Deepak (lustrous)
Deepan (lighting up)
Deepankar (lord of light)
Deependu (bright moon)
Deepesh (lord of light)
Deepit (lighted)
Deeptanshu (the sun)
Deeptendu (bright moon)
Deeptiman (lustrous)
Deeptimoy (lustrous)
Dev (God, king)
Devabrata (a name of Bhisma)
Devadas (follower of God)
Devajyoti (brightness of the Lord)
Devak (divine)
Devendra (Lord Indra)
Devdutta (king)
Dev Kumar (son of gods)
Devnarayan (king)
Devnath (King of gods)
Devesh (Lord Shiva)
Deveshwar (Lord Shiva)
Dhananjay (Arjuna)
Dhanesh (lord of wealth)
Dhanraj (Lord Kuber)
Dhansukh (wealthy; happy)
Dhanvant (wealthy)
Dharanidhar (Shesh - the cosmic serpent)
Dharmadas (one who serves his religion)
Dharmanand (one who takes pleasure in his religion)
Dharmendra (God of religion)
Dharmendu (light of religion)
Dharmpal (protector of his religion)
Dharmveer (religious)
Dhawal (white)
Dheeman (intelligent)
Dheemant (wise; intelligent)
Dheer (gentle)
Dhiraj (emperor)
Dheerendra (god of courage)
Dhritiman (patient)
Dhruva (unshakeable the Pole Star)
Dhwani (sound)
Dhyanesh (meditative)
Dilip (an ancestor of Lord Rama, a king)
Dilawar (brave)
Dinanath (protector)
Dinar (gold coin)
Dindayal (kindto the poor)
Dinesh (the sun)
Divakar (the sun)
Divyanga (divine body)
Divyendu (the moon)
Drupad (a king, father of Draupadi)
Dulal (dear one)
Dushyanta (a king from the epic Mahabharata)
Dwaipayan (the sage Vyasa)
Dwijaraj (king of Brahmins; the moon)
Dwijendra (king of Brahmins; the moon)
Dwijesh (river)
Ekanath (king)
Ekalavya (renowned for his devotion to his guru)
Ekambar (sky)
Ekram (honour)
Eshwar (Lord Shiva)
Faiyaz (artistic)
Faiz (gain)
Falak (the sky)
Falguni, Phalguni (born in Falgun, a Hindu month; Arjun)
Fanibhusan (Lord Shiva)
Fanindra (the cosmic serpent Shesh)
Fanishwar (lord of serpents, Vasuki)
Fanish (the cosmic serpent Shesh)
Farhad (happiness)
Farhat (happiness)
Faraz (equitable)
Farid (wide)
Farukh, Farokh (power of discrimination)
Fateh (victory)
Fatik (crystal)
Firdaus (paradise)
Firoz (name of a king)
Gagan (sky)
Gajanand (Lord Ganesh)
Gajendra (the king of elephants)
Gandharva (celestial musician)
Gandhik (fragant)
Ganesh (son of Lord Shiva & Parvati)
Gangesh (Lord Shiva)
Gangeya (of the Ganga)
Gangol (a precious)
Ganapati (Lord Ganesh)
Gaurinath (Lord Shiva)
Gautam (Lord Buddha)
Geet (song)
Ghalib (excellent)
Ghanashyam (Lord Krishna)
Giri (mountain)
Giridhar (Lord Krishna)
Giridari (Lord Krishna)
Girik (Lord Shiva)
Girilal (Lord Shiva)
Girindra (Lord Shiva)
Giriraj (lord of the mountains)
Girish (Lord Shiva)
Gokul (a place where Lord Krishna was brought up)
Gopal (Lord Krishna; protector cows)
Gopesh (Lord Krishna)
Gopichand (name of a king)
Gorakh (cowherd)
Gourishankar (Mt. Everest)
Govinda (Lord Krishna)
Gudakesha (the archer Arjuna)
Gulfam (the colour)
Gulzar (gardener)
Gulzarilal (name of Lord Krishna)
Gunjan (buzzing of a bee)
Gumwant (virtuous)
Gupil (a secret)
Gurdeep (light of the teacher)
Gurpreet (love of the teacher)
Guru (teacher)
Gyan (knowledge)
Gyandev (lord of knowledge)
Habib (beloved)
Hafiz (protected)
Hamid (friend)
Hamir (a raga)
Hans (swan)
Hanuman (the monkey god of Ramayana)
Hanumant (the monkey god of Ramayana)
Hardik (heartfelt)
Harekrishna (Lord Krishha)
Harendra (Lord Shiva)
Haresh (Lord Krishna)
Haridas (servant of Krishna)
Harigopal (Lord Krishna)
Harihar (Lord Vishnu)
Harkrishna (Lord Krishna)
Harinarayan (Lord Vishnu)
Hariom (Lord Vishnu)
Hariprasad (blessed by Lord Krishna)
Haritbaran (green)
Hariram (Lord Rama)
Harishankar (Lord Shiva)
Harishchandra (King of Surya dynasty, charitable)
Harjeet (victorious)
Harmendra (the moon)
Haroon (hope)
Harsh (happiness)
Harshad (giver of joy)
Harshavardhan (creator of joy)
Harshil (joyful)
Harshit (joyous)
Harshita (joyous)
Hashmat (glory, joyful)
Hasit (happy)
Hassan (an Islamic)
Heer (diamond)
Hem (gold)
Hemadri (the Himalaya)
Hemanga (goldenbodied)
Hemanta (early winter)
Hemamdar (golden creeper)
Hemendu (golden moon)
Heramba (Lord Ganesh)
Himachal (the Himalayas)
Himadri (Himalaya)
Himaghna (the sun)
Himnish (Lord Shiva)
Himanshu (the moon)
Himmat (courage)
Hiranya (gold)
Hiranmay (golden)
Hirendra (Lord of diamonds)
Hitendra (well-wisher)
Hriday (Heart)
Hridaynath (lord of the heart, beloved)
Hrishikesh (Lord Vishnu)
Hussain (Islamic thinker, saint)
Ibrahim (Abraham; earth)
Idris (fiery Lord)
Iham (expected)
Ihit (prize; honour)
Imtiaz (power of discrimination)
Imaran (strong)
Iman (name of raga)
Indivar (blue lotus)
Indrajeet (conqueror)
Indrakanta (Lord Indra)
Indraneel (sapphire)
Indubhushan (the moon)
Induhasan (like a moon)
Indukanta (like a moon)
Indulal (moon's lustre)
Indushekhar (like a moon)
Intekhab (chosen)
Irfan (knowledgable)
Iqbal (desire)
Irshaad (signal)
Isar ( eminent; Lord Shiva)
Ishan (the Lord)
Ishrat (affection)
Ishwar (god)
Izhar (submission)
Jag (the universe)
Jagadbandu (Lord Krishna)
Jaganmay (spread over the universe)
Jagannath (Lord Vishnu)
Jagat (the universe)
Jagadish (lord of the universe)
Jagjeevan (worldly life)
Jahan (the world)
Jaichand (victory of the moon)
Jaidayal (victory of kindness)
Jaidev (victory of god)
Jaigopal (victory of Lord Krishna)
Jaikrishna (victory of Lord krishna)
Jaimini (an ancient philosopher)
Jainarayan (victory)
Jaipal (Lord Brahma)
Jairaj (lord of victory)
Jaisal (famous folk)
Jaisukh (joy of winning)
Jaiwant (victory)
Jalal (glory)
Jalendu (moon in the water)
Jalil (revered)
Janak (father of Sita)
Janamejay (a mJanardan (Lord Vishnu)
Japa (chanting)
Japendra (lord of chants-Lord Shiva)
Japesh (lord of chants-lord Shiva)
Jasbeer (victorious hero)
Jashan (celebration)
Jaspal (Lord Krishna)
Jaswant (famous)
Jatan (nurturing)
Jatin (pertaining ato saint)
Javed (immortal) Jawahar (jewel)
Jayanta (Lord Vishnu)
Jeemutbahan (full of life)
Jeevan (life)
Jehangir(Akbar's son)
Jhoomer (ornament)
Jignesh (curiosity to research)
Jihan (the world)
Jishnu (Arjuna)
Jitendra (conqueror)
Jivitesh (God)
Jogindra, Joginder (Lord Shiva)
Jograj (Lord Krishna)
Jugnu (a firefly)
Jusal (pari)
Jyotichandra (splendour)
Jyotiprakash (splendour of the flame)
Jyotiranjan (joyous flamae)
Jyotirdhar (holder of the flame)
Jyotirmoy (lustrous)
Kabir (name of a famous saint)
Kailas (abode of Lord Shiva)
Kailashchandra (Lord Shiva)
Kailashnath (Lord Shiva)
Kalash (sacred pot)
Kalidas (a devotee of Goddess Kali)
Kalimohan (a devotee of Goddess Kali)
Kalipada (a devotee of Goddess Kali)
Kalicharan (a devotee of Goddness Kali)
Kaliranjan (a devotee of Goddess Kali)
Kalyan (welfare)
Kamal (lotus)
Kamalesh (Lord Vishnu, one with Eyes like a lotus)
Kamalakar (Lord Vishnu)
Kamalnayan (lotuseyed)
Kamalapati (Lord Vishnu)
Kamod, Kambod, Kambodi (a raga)
Kamraj, Kamesh, Kameshwar (Cupid, Lord of love)
Kamran (success)
Kanad (an ancient)
Kanan (a garden)
Kanchan (gold)
Kandarpa (Cupid)
Kanhaiya, Kanhaiyalal (Lord Krishna)
Kanishka (name of a king)
Kantimoy (lustrous)
Kantilal (lustrous)
Kanu (Lord Krishna)
Kanvar (young prince)
Kanwal (lotus)
Kanwaljeet (lotus)
Kanwalkishore (lotus; Lord krishna)
Kapil (name of a sage)
Kapish (Lord Hanuman)
Karan (Karna, the firstborn of Kunti)
Kareem (kind)
Karna (the firstborn of Kunti)
Kartar (master)
Kartik (a Hindu month)
Kartikeya (elder son of Lord Shiva)
karunakar (merciful)
Karunamay (full of light)
Karunashankar (merciful)
Kashif (a connoisseur)
Kashinath (Lord Shiva)
Kashiprasad (blessed by Lord Shiva)
Kashyap (name of a sage)
Kathir, Kadir (ray of light, shoot of grass)
Kausar (lake of paradise)
Kaushal (perfect)
Kaushik (sage Vishwamitra)
Kaustubh (a jewel of Lord Vishnu)
Kavi (a poet)
Kaviraj (doctor)
Kaustav (a legendary gem; a gem worn by Lord Vishnu)
Kedar (a raga)
Kedarnath (Lord Shiva)
Keshav (Lord Vishnu)
Ketan (home; banner)
Kevalkumar (absolute)
Kevalkishore (absolute)
Keyur (armlet)
Khadim (servant of God)
Khajit (Lord Buddha)
Khalid (immortal)
Khazana (treasure)
Khemchand (welfare)
Khemprakash (welfare)
Khushal (perfect)
Kinshuk (a flower)
Kiran (ray of light)
Kiranmay (full of light)
Kirit (a crown)
Kirtikumar (famous)
Kishore (young)
Kishorekumar (young)
Kripal (merciful)
Krishna (Lord Krishna)
Krishnachandra (Lord Krishna)
Krishnadeva (Lord Krishna)
Krishnakanta (Lord Krishna)
Krishnakumar (Lord Kirshna)
Krishnala (Lord Krishna)
Krishnamurthy (Lord Krishna)
Krishnamurari (Lord Krishna)
Krishanu (fire)
Krishnaroop (dark)
Krishnendu (Lord Krishna)
Kshaunish (king)
Kuber (god of wealth)
Kuberchand (god of wealth)
Kulbhushan ( ornament of family)
Kuldeep (light of family)
Kularanjan (star of family)
Kumar (prince)
Kunal (sone of emperor Ashok)
Kundan (pure)
Kundanlal (golden)
Kunja (grove of trees)
Kunjabihari (Lord Krishna)
Kush (son of Lord Rama)
Kushal (clever)
Kusumakar (spring)
Lagan (appropriate time)
Lakshmigopal (Lord vishnu)
Lakshman (younger brother of Rama)
Lakshmibanta (fortunate)
Lakshmidhar (Lord Vishnu)
Lakshmikanta (Lord Vishnu)
Lalit (beautiful)
Lalitkishore (beautiful)
Lalitkumar (beautiful)
Lalitmohan (beautiful)
Lambodar (Lord Ganesh)
Lankesh (Ravana)
Latafat (elegance)
Latif (elegant)
Lav, Luv (son of Lord Rama)
Lochan (the eye)
Lohitaksha (Lord Vishnu)
Lokesh (Lord Brahma)
Loknath (Lord Vishnu)
Lokranjan (Lord Vishnu)
Madan (Cupid)
Madangopal (Lord Krishna)
Madhav (Lord Krishna)
Madhavdas (servant of Lord Krishna)
Madhu (honey)
Madhuk (a honeybee)
Madhukanta (the moon)
Madhukar (honeybee)
Madhup (a honeybee)
Madhur (sweet)
Madhusudan (Lord Krishna)
Magan (engrossed)
Megha (a star)
Mahabahu (Arjuna)
Mahadev (Lord Shiva)
Mahaniya (worthy of honour)
Mahavir (a Jain prophet, also the super courageous one)
Mahendra (Lord Vishnu)
Mahesh (Lord Shiva)
Maheshwar (Lord Shiva)
Mahin (the earth)
Mahindra (a king)
Mahipal (a king)
Mahish (a king)
Mahmud (the Prophet of Islam)
Mahtab (the moon)
Mainak (a mountain a Himalayan peak)
Makarand (Honey, Honey Bee, Pollen)
Malay (a mountain)
Manas (mind)
Manasi (born of the mind)
Manav (man)
Manavendra (a king)
Mandar (a celestial tree)
Mandeep (light of the mind)
Mangal (auspicious)
Mangesh (Lord Shiva)
Manohar (beautiful; captivating)
Mani (a jewel)
Manibhushan (supreme gem)
Manik (ruby)
Manindra (lord of the mind!)
Manish (intellect)
Manishankar (Lord Shiva)
Manjeet (conqueror of the mind)
Manmatha (Cupid)
Manmohan (pleasing)
Manoj (born of the mind)
Manoranjan (pleasing)
Mansukh (pleasing)
Manu (original man)
Mardav (softness)
Markandeya (a devotee of Lord Shiva)
Martanda (the sun)
Marut (the wind)
Maruti (Lord Hanuman)
Mayanka (the moon)
Mayur (peacock)
Megh (cloud)
Meghashyam (Lord Krishna)
Mehboob (beloved)
Mehdi (a flower)
Mehmood (the Prophet of Islam)
Mihir (the sun)
Milan (union)
Milap (union)
Milind (a bee)
Milun (union)
Mirza (a prince)
Misal (example)
Mithilesh (the king of Mithila, Janak, father of Sita)
Mithun (Gemini)
Mitra (friend; the sun)
Mitul (friend)
Mohajit (attractive)
Mohak (attractive)
Mohal (attractive)
Mohamad (the Prophet)
Mohan (Lord Krishna; attractive)
Mohit (attracted)
Mohita (attracted)
Mohnish (Lord Krishna)
Mohul (attractive)
Moti (pearl)
Motilal (pearl)
Moulik (valuable)
Mriganka (the moon)
Mrigankamouli (Lord Shiva)
Mrigankasekhar (Lord Shiva)
Mrigendra (lion)
Mrigesh (lion)
Mrityunjay (Lord Shiva)
Mubarak (congratulations)
Mudita (happy)
Muhamad (the Prophet)
Mukesh (Cupid)
Muktananda (liberated)
Mukul (bud)
Mukunda (Lord Krishna)
Mukut (crown)
Mulkraj (king)
Mumtaz (conspicuous)
Muni (sage)
Murad (prowess)
Murari (Lord Krishna)
Murarilal (Lord Krishna)
Murali (flute)
Muralidhar (Lord Krishna)
Muralimanohar (Lord Krishna)
Musheer (advice)
Nabarun (morning sun)
Nabendu (new moon)
Nabhi (focus; the best)
Nachiketa( an ancient rishi, fire)
Nadir (pinnacle)
Nagendra (Seshnag)
Nagesh (Seshnag, Cosmic Serpent)
Nahusha (a mythological king)
Nairit (south-west)
Naishadh (King Nala, a hero from the Mahabharata who was king of Nishadha)
Nakshatra (star)
Nakul (name of one of the Pandavas)
Nalin (lotus)
Nalinaksha (lotus-eyed)
Naman (salutation)
Namdev (Lord Vishnu)
Nanak (guru fo the Sikhs)
Nand (joyful)
Nandan (pleasing)
Nandi (the bull of Shiva; Lord Shiva)
Naotau (new)
Narayan (Lord Vishnu)
Narendra (king)
Narahari (Lord Vishnu)
Naresh (king)
Narasimha (an incarnation of Lord Vishnu)
Natesh (king)
Natwar (Lord Krishna)
Naval (wonder)
Naveen (new)
Navaneet (butter)
Navrang (beautiful)
Navroz (a Parsee festival)
Nayan (eye)
Neeladri (the Nilgiris)
Neelambar (blue sky)
Neelanjan (blue)
Neelesh (Lord Krishna; moon)
Neelkanta (Lord Shiva)
Neelmadhav (Lord Jagannath)
Neelmani (sapphire)
Neelotpal (blue lotus)
Neeraf (river)
Neeraj (lotus; pearl)
Nibodh (knowledge)
Nigam (treasure)
Nihal (gratified)
Nihar (dew)
Niket (home)
Nikhat (fragrance)
Nikhil (entire)
Nikhilesh (lord of all)
Nikunja (grove of trees)
Nilay (home)
Nimai (Chaitanya)
Ninad (sound)
Nipun (expert)
Nirad (cloud)
Nirajit (illuminated)
Niramay (without blemish)
Niranjan (name of a river; Goddess Durga; the night of the full moon)
Nirav (quiet)
Nirbhay (fearless)
Nirijhar (waterful)
Nirmal (pure)
Nirmalya (pure)
Nirmit (created)
Nirmohi (unattached)
Nirupam (without comparison)
Nirvan (liberation)
Nischal (calm)
Nischal (pure)
Nishanath (moon)
Nishad (seventh note of the octave)
Nishant (dawn)
Nishesh (entire)
Nishikanta (the moon)
Nishita (sharp)
Nishith (night)
Nishok (happy)
Nissim (unbounded)
Nitin (master of the right path)
Nitish (master of the right path)
Nityagopal (constant)
Nityananda (Lord Krishna; always happy)
Nripa (king)
Nripesh (king of kings)
Ojas (lustre)
Om (the sacred syllable)
Omar (an era)
Omja (born of cosmic unity)
Omkar (the sound of the sacred syllable)
Omprakash (light of God)
Omrao, Umrao (king)
Omswaroop (manifestation of divinity)
Osman, Usman (salve of God)
Paavan (purifier)
Padman (lotus)
Padmanabha (Lord Vishnu)
Padmapati (Lord Vishnu)
Palak (eyelash)
Palash (a flowering)
Palashkusum (the flower of Palash)
Palashranjan (beautiful like a Palash)
Pallab (new leaves)
Panchanan (Lord Shiva)
Pandhari (Lord Vithobha)
Panduranga (Lord Vithobha)
Pankaj (lotus)
Panini (the great scholar-grammarian)
Pannalal (emerald)
Paravasu (name of a sage)
Parag (pollen)
Param (the best)
Parakram (strength)
Parmameshwar (Alimightly Lord)
Paramhansa (supreme soul)
Paranjay (Varun; Lord of the Sea)
Parantapa (conqueror; Arjuna)
Paras (touchstone)
Parashar (an ancient)
Parasmani (touchstone)
Paresh (supreme Lord)
Parijat (a celestial flower)
Parikshit (name of an ancient king)
Parimal (fragrance)
Paritosh (satisfaction)
Paramananda (superlative joy)
Paramesh (Lord Shiva)
Parnad (a Brahmin in the qpics)
Parashuram (sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu)
Partha (Arjun)
Parthapratim (like Arjuna)
Parvatinandan (Lord Ganesh)
Parvesh (Lord of celebration)
Pasupati (Lord Shiva)
Patakin (holder of a banner)
Patanjali (famous Yoga philosopher)
Pathik (a traveller)
Pathin (traveller)
Patralika (new leaves)
Pavak (fire)
Pavan (breeze)
Pavani (Hanuman)
Pavanjit (wind)
Pavitra (pure)
Payas (water)
Payod (cloud)
Peeyush (nectar)
Phanindra (Sesh; the divine snake)
Phenil (foamy)
Pinaki (Lord Krishna)
Pirmohammed (rhw holy prophet)
Pitambar (Lord Vishnu)
Piyush (nectar)
Poojan (worship)
Poojit (worshipped)
Poorna (complete)
Poornachandra (full moon)
Prabal (coral)
Prabhakar (the sun)
Prabhas (lustrous)
Prabhat (morning)
Prabhav (effect)
Prabodh (consolation)
Prabuddha (awakened)
Prachetas (energy)
Prachur (abundant)
Pradeep (lamp)
Pradosh (dusk)
Pradyot (lustre)
Pradyumna (cupid)
Pradyun (radiant)
Praful (blooming)
Prafulla (blooming)
Pragun (straight; honest)
Prahlad (joy)
Prajesh (Lord Brahma)
Prajin (kind)
Prajit (kind)
Prakat (mainfested)
Prakash, Parkash (light)
Prakriti (nature)
Pralay (Himalay)
Pranav (the sacred syllable, Om)
Pranay (love)
Pranit (modest)
Pranjal (simple)
Pranjivan (life)
Pransukh (joy of life)
Prasad (blessing)
Prasanna (happy)
Prasenjit (a king in the epics)
Prasham (peace)
Prashanta (calm)
Prasun (blossom)
Pratap (glory)
Prateep (king, Shantanu's father))
Prateet (manifested)
Pratik (symbol)
Pratiti (faith; undrstanding)
Pratul (plenty)
Praval (fierce, strong)
Pravar (most excellent)
Praver (chief)
Praveen (expert; experienced)
Pravir (brave)
Prayag (confluence)
Premendra (lover)
Pritam (beloved)
Prithu (a king from the epics)
Prithvi (earth)
Prithviraj (king of the earth)
Priya (beloved)
Priyabrata (devoted to pleasing)
Pujit (worshipped)
Pukhraj (topaz)
Pulak (joy)
Pulakesh (joyous)
Pulastya (an ancient)
Pulin (beautiful)
Pulish (name of a sage)
Pundalik (lotus)
Pundarik (lotus)
Punit (pure)
Punyabrata (dedicated to the good)
Punyasloka (sacred verse)
Purandar (Lord Indra)
Puranjay (Lord Shiva)
Purnanada (God)
Purnendu (full moon)
Puru (abundant; name of a king)
Pururava (the founder of Chandra dynasty)
Purushottam (Lord Vishnu)
Pushkar (lotus; a lake)
Pushpak (mythical vehicle of Lord Vishnu)
Pyarelal (Lord Krishna)
Pyaremohan (Lord Krishna)
Quamar (the moon)
Quasim (old generation)
Qutub (tall)
Radhakanta (Lord Krishna)
Radhakrishna (Radha and Lord Krishna)
Radhavallabh (Lord Krishna-beloved of Radha)
Radheshyam (Lord Krishna)
Radheya (Karna)
Rafat (elevation)
Raghav (Lord Rama)
Raghavendra (Lord Rama)
Raghu (the family of Lord Rama)
Raghunath (Lord Rama)
Raghunandan (Lord Rama)
Raghupati (Lord Rama)
Raghuvir (Lord Rama)
Rahas (secret)
Raheem (merciful)
Rahman (merciful)
Rahul (son of Lord Buddha)
Raj (kingdom)
Raja (king)
Rajam (Goddess Lakshmi)
Rajan (king)
Rajas (mastery; fame; pride)
Rajat (silver)
Rajatshubhra (white as silver)
Rajdulari (dear princess)
Rajendra (king)
Rajendramohan (king)
Rajesh (king)
Rajendrakumar (king)
Rajit (decorated)
Rajivlochan, Rajivnayan
Rajarshi, Rajrishi (king's sage)
Rajyeshwar (king)
Rakesh (the moon)
Raksha (the moon, protection)
Ram (Lord Rama; one who pleases)
Ramakanta (Lord Vishnu)
Raman (cupid)
Ramanuja (Lord Krishna)
Ramashray (Lord Vishnu; protected by Rama)
Ramavatar (reincarnation of Lord Rama)
Ramchandra (Lord Rama)
Ramesh (Lord Vishnu)
Rameshwar (Lord Shiva)
Ramkishore (Lord Rama)
Ramkrishna (Lord Rama, Krishna)
Ramkumar (Lord Rama)
Rammohan (Lord Rama)
Ramnath (Lord Rama)
Ramprasad (Lord Rama)
Rampratap (Lord Rama)
Ramratan (Lord Rama)
Ramswaroop (Lord Rama)
Randhir (brave)
Rangan (a flower)
Ranganath (Lord Vishnu)
Ranjan (entertaining)
Ranajay (victorious)
Ranajit (victorious)
Ranjit (victorious)
Rasbihari (Lord Krishna)
Rasesh (Lord Krishna)
Rasik (connoisseur)
Rasaraj (mercury)
Rashmil (silken)
Rasul (angel)
Ratan (precious stone)
Ratannabha (Lord Vishnu)
Rathin (celestial)
Ratish (cupid)
Ratnakar (ocean)
Ratul (sweet)
Ravi (sun)
Ravinandan (Karna)
Ravindra (sun)
Ravishu (cupid)
Raza (hope)
Razak (devotee)
Rebanta (a son of Surya)
Rehman (merciful)
Rehmat (mercy)
Riddhiman (possessed of good fortune)
Rijul (innocent)
Ripudaman (killer of enemies)
Rishabh (second note of octave)
Rishi (sage)
Rishikesh (Lord Vishnu)
Rituraj (spring)
Rituparan (joyous)
Ritvik (priest)
Riyaz (practice)
Rizvan (harbinger of good news)
Rochak (tasty)
Rochan (bright)
Rohan (ascending)
Rohanlal (Lord Krishna)
Rohit (red)
Rohitasva (sone of King Harishchandra)
Ronak (embellishment)
Roshan (illumination)
Ruchir (beautiful)
Rudra (Lord Shiva)
Rupak (beautiful)
Rushil (charming)
Rustom (warrior)
Sachet (consciousness)
Sachetan (animated)
Sacchidananda (total bliss)
Sachin (Lord Indra)
Sachit (consciousness)
Sandananda (eternal bliss)
Sadashiva (eternally pure)
Sadeepan (lighted up)
Sadiq (kingly)
Saeed (priestly)
Sagar (ocean)
Sagun (possessed of qualities)
Sahaj (natural)
Sahas (bravery)
Sahdev (one of the Pandava princes)
Sahib (the lord)
Sahil (guide)
Sainath (Saibaba)
Saipraasad (blessing)
Saipratap (blessing of Saibaba)
Sajal (moist)
Sajan (beloved)
Saket (Llrd Krishna)
Salarjung (beautiful)
Salarjung (beautiful)
Saleem (healthy)
Saleem (healthy)
Salil (water)
Salim (happy; peaceful)
Salaman (high)
Samar (war)
Samarendra (Lord Vishnu)
Samarendu (Lord Vishnu)
Samarjit (Lord Vishnu)
Samarth (powerful)
Sambaran (restraint; name of an ancient king)
Sambhav (born; mainfested)
Sambit (consciousness)
Sambhddha (wise)
Samendra (winner of war)
Sameen (valuable)
Sameer (breeze)
Samir (breeze)
Samiran (breeze)
Samiran (breeze)
Sampat (prosperous)
Samudra (ocean)
Samudragupta (a famous Gupta king)
Samudrasen (lord of the ocean)
Samyak (enough)
Sanabhi (related)
Sanam (beloved)
Sanat (Lord Brahma)
Sanatan (eternal)
Sanchay (collection)
Sanchit (collected)
Sandeepen (a sage)
Sanjay (Bhritarashtra's charioteer)
Sanjiv (love; life)
Sanjivan (immortality)
Sankalpa (resolve)
Sankarshan (a name of Balaram, brother of Lord Krishna)
Sanket (signal)
Sanobar (palm tree)
Santosh (contentment)
Sanwariya (Lord Krishna)
Sanyog (conincidence)
Sapan (dream)
Saquib (bright)
Saral (straight)
Saras (a bird; lake)
Sarasija (lotus)
Sarat (a sage)
Sarbajit (one who has conquered everything)
Sarfaraz (head held high)
Saroj (lotus)
Sartaj (crown)
Sarthak (well done)
Sarup (beautiful)
Sarvadaman (son of Shakuntala-Bharat)
Sarvesh (lord of all)
Sarwar (promotion)
Sashreek (prosperous)
Satindra (Lord Vishnu)
Satish (voctorious)
Satrijit (father of Satyabhama, wife of Lord Krishna)
Satyajit (wedded to truth)
Satyakam (son of Jabala in the Mahabharata)
Satyaki (charioteer of Krishna)
Satvamohan (truthful)
Satyanarayan (Lord Krishna)
Satyankar (true; good)
Satyaprakash (light of truth)
Satyapriya (devoted to truth)
Satyasheel (truthful)
Satyavan (husband of Savitri; true)
Satyavrata (dedicated to truth)
Satyendra (lord of truth)
Savar (Lord Shiva)
Savitendra (the sun)
Sawan (a Hindu month)
Sayam (evening)
Sayed (leader)
Seemanta (parting line of hair)
Sevak (servant)
Shaan (pride)
Shachin(dra)-(Lord Indra)
Shadab (fresh)
Shaheen (tender)
Shahid (patriot)
Shailendra (king of mountains)
Shattesh (king of mountains)
Shaistakhan (polite)
Shakib (patience)
Shaktidhar (Lord Shiva)
Shakyasinha (Lord Buddha)
Shambhu (Lord Shiva)
Shameek (an ancient sage)
Shami (fire)
Shamindra (quiet; gentle)
Shams (fragrance)
Shamshu, Shamshad (beautiful)
Shandar (proud)
Shankar (Lord Shiva)
Shankha (conch)
Shanmukha, Shanmuga (Kartikeya, first son of Lord Shiva)
Shantanu (a king from the qpic Mahabharata)
Shantashil (gentle)
Shantimay (peaceful)
Shantinath (lord of peace)
Shantiprakash (light of peace)
Shantipriya (peace-loving)
Sharad, Sarat (autumn)
Sharadchandra (autumn moon)
Sharadindu (autumn moon)
Sharan (shelter)
Sharang (deer)
Shardul (tiger)
Shariq (intelligent)
Shashanka (the moon)
Shashibhushan (Lord Shiva)
Shashidhar (the moon)
Shashikiran (moon's rays)
Shashimohan (the moon)
Shashishekhar (Lord Shiva)
Shatrunjay (victorious)
Shatrughna, Shatrughan (victorious)
Shatrujit (victorious over enemies)
Shaukat (grand)
Shaunak (a great sage)
Sheetal (cool)
Shekhar (Lord Shiva)
Shesh (cosmic serpent)
Shirshirchandra (winter moon)
Shevantilal (a crysanthemum)
Shikha (flame)
Shikhar (peak)
Shirish (a flower; raintree)
Shiromani (superb jewel)
Shishir (winter)
Shishirkumar (the moon)
Shishupal (sone of Subhadra)
Shiv (Lord Shiva)
Shivendra (Lord Shiva)
Shivendu (pure moon)
Shivesh (Lord Shiva)
Shivlal (Lord Shiva)
Shivraj (Lord Shiva)
Shivshankar (Lord Shiva)
Shobhan (splendid)
Shoorsen (brave)
Shravan (name of a Hindu month)
Shravankumar (a character from the epic Ramayana)
Shrenik (organised)
Shreshta (the best)
Shreyas (good)
Shridhar (Lord Vishnu)
Shrigopal (Lord Krishna)
Shrihari (Lord Krishna)
Shrikanta (beautiful)
Shrikrishna (Lord Krishna)
Shrikumar (beautiful)
Shrinath (Lord Vishnu)
Shrinivas (Lord Vishnu)
Shripad (Lord Vishnu)
Shripal (Lord Vishnu)
Shripati (Lord Vishnu)
Shriram (Lord Rama)
Shriranga (Lord Vishnu)
Shrish (Lord Vishnu)
Shrivatsa (Lord Vishnu)
Shriyans (wealth)
Shubha (auspicious)
Shubhang (handsome)
Shubhankar (auspivious)
Shubhashis (blessing)
Shubhendu (luckly moon)
Shubhranshu (the moon)
Shuddhashil (well-born)
Shyam (Lord Krishna)
Shyamsundar (Lord Krishna)
Siddhanta (principle)
Siddhartha (a name of Lord Buddha)
Siddheshwar (a goddess)
Siraj (lamp)
Sitakanta (Lord Rama)
Sitanshu (the moon)
Sitikantha (Lord Shiva)
Sivanta (Lord Shiva)
Smaran (remembrance)
Smarajit (one who has conquered lust)
Smritiman (unforgettable)
Snehanshn (affectionate)
Snehin (a friend)
Sohail (moon-glow)
Soham ('Iam He'-the presence of divinity of each soul)
Sohan (charm)
Sohil (beautiful)
Som (the moon)
Somendra (moon)
Somansh (half moon)
Someshwar (Lord Shiva)
Somnath (Lord Shiva)
Sopan (steps)
Soumil (a friend)
Soumyakanti (handsome)
Sourabh (fragrance)
Souren(dra)-(of the sun)
Sourish (Lord Vishnu)
Srijan (creation)
Sual (asked for)
Subal (a friend of Lord Krishna)
Subash (fragrance)
Subbarao (auspicious)
Subhadra (source of Lord Krishna, wife of Arjuna)
Subhan (aware)
Subhash (well-spoken)
Subinay (humble)
Subrata (devoted to what is right)
Sudama (Lord Krishna's friend)
Sudarshan (handsome)
Sudeep (bright)
Sudesh (country)
Sudhakar (the moon)
Sudhamay (full of nectar)
Sudhanshu (the moon)
Sudhi (scholar)
Sudhindra (lord of knowledge)
Sudhir (great scholar;calm)
Sugata (a name of the Buddha)
Sugreev (man with a beautiful neck)
Suhail (moon-glow)
Suhas (smiling beautifully)
Suhrid (well-disposed)
Suhrit (well-disposed)
Sujan (honest)
Sujay (victory)
Sujash (illustrious)
Sujit (winner)
Sukant, Sukanta (handsome)
Sukesh (with beautiful)
Suketu (a Yaksha king)
Sukhamay (pleasurable)
Sukhdev (giver of bliss)
Sukrit (good deed)
Sukumar (soft; meritorious)
Sulekh (beautifully written)
Sulochan (one with beautiful eyes)
Sultan (king)
Suman (flower)
Sumant (wise)
Sumanta (wise)
Sumantra (friend of King Dasarath)
Sumedh (clever)
Sumeet, Sumit (a good friend)
Sumitra (good friend)
Sunanda (very pleasing)
Sunasi (Lord Indra)
Sundar (handsome)
Suneet (of good principles; prudent)
Sunil (blue; sapphire)
Sunirmal (pure)
Suparna (leafy)
Suprakash (manifested)
Supratik (cupid)
Supratim (beautiful image)
Supriya (beloved)
Sur (a musical note)
Suraj (the sun)
Surajit (god)
Suranjan (pleasing)
Suren (Lord Indra)
Suresh (Lord Indra)
Surdeep (lamp of music)
Surya (the sun)
Suryabhan (the sun)
Suryakanta (a jewel)
Suryashankar (Lord Shiva)
Sushanta (quiet)
Sushil (well-behaved)
Sushobhan (very beautiful)
Sushrut (well- heard)
Sushruta (son of sage Viswamitra)
Sutej (lustre)
Suvan (the sun)
Suvimal (pure)
Suyash (illustrious)
Swami (master)
Swaminath (the Lord Almighty)
Swapan (dream)
Swapnil (dreamlike)
Swarup (truth)
Swayambhu (Lord Shiva)
Swetaketu (an ancient sage)
Syamantak (a jewel of Lord Vishnu)
Tahir (holy)
Taizeen (encouragement)
Taj (crown)
Tajdar (corwned)
Talat (prayer)
Talib (divine)
Talleen (absorbed)
Tamal (a tree with very dark bark)
Tamkinat (pomp)
Tamonash (destroyer of ignorance)
Tanay (son)
Tanmay (absorbed)
Tanuj (son)
Tanveer (englightened)
Tapan (the sun)
Tapas (ascetic)
Tapasendra (Lord Shiva)
Tapasranjan (Lord Vishnu)
Tapomay (full of moral virtue)
Tarak (protector)
Tarachand (star)
Tarakeshwar (Lord Shiva)
Taraknath (Lord Shiva)
Taral (honeybee)
Taranga (wave)
Taraprashad (star)
Tarik (one who crosses the river of life)
Tariq (morning star)
Tarit (lightning)
Tarun (young)
Taruntapan (morning sun)
Tathagata (the Buddha)
Tausiq (reinforcement)
Teerthankar (a Jain saint)
Tejas (lustre; brilliance)
Tejeshwar (the sun)
Tejomay (glorious)
Thakur (leader; God)
Tilak (auspicious)
Timir (darkness)
Timirbaran (dark)
Tirtha (holy place)
Titir (a bird)
Toshan (satisfaction)
Trailokva (the three worlds)
Trambak (Lord Shiva)
Tribhuvan (the tree worlds)
Tridib (heaven)
Trigun (the three dimensions)
Trilochan (Lord Shiva)
Trilok (the three worlds)
Trilokesh (Lord Shiva)
Tripurari (Lord Shiva)
Trishanku (a king of the Surya dynasty)
Trivikram (Lod Vishnu)
Tufan (storm)
Tuhin (snow)
Tuhinsurra (white as snow)
Tukaram (a poet saint)
Tulsidas (a famous saint)
Tushar (snow)
Tusharkanti (Lord Shiva)
Tusharsuvra (white as snow)
Tyagraja (a famous poet)
Udar (generous)
Uday (appearance)
Udayan (rising; name of king of Avanti)
Udayachal (eastern horizon)
Uddhar (liberation)
Uddhav (Lord Krishna's friend)
Udit (risen)
Udyam (effort)
Udyan (garden)
Ujagar (bright)
Ujala (bright)
Ujwal, Ujjala (bright)
Ulhas (happiness)
Umanant, Umakant (Lord Shiva)
Umanand (Lord Shiva)
Umaprasad (blessing of Goddess Parvati)
Umashankar (Lord Shiva)
Umed (hope)
Umesh (Lord Shiva)
Umrao (noble)
Unmesh (rvelation)
Unnat (energized)
Upagupta (name of a Buddish nonk)
Upamanyu (name of a devoted pupil)
Upendra (Lord Vishnu)
Urjita (energized)
Ushakanta (the sun)
Utanka (a disciple of th sage Veda)
Utkarsha (advancement)
Utpal (lotus)
Uttam (best)
Uttar (son of king Virata)
Uttiya (a name in Buddhist literature)
Utsav (celebration)
Vachan (speech)
Vaibhav (riches)
Vaijnath (Lord shiva)
Vajra (Lord Krishna's greatgrandson; diamond)
Vajradhar (Lord Indra)
Vajrapani (Lord Indra)
Vallabh (beloved)
Valmiki, Valmik (the author of the qpic Ramayana)
Vaman (fifth incarnation of Lord Vishnu)
Vamsi (Name of a 'Raaga')
Vanajit (lord of the forest)
Vardhaman (Lord Mahavir)
Varij (lotus)
Varindra (lord of the ocean)
Varun (lord of the sea)
Vasant (spring)
Vasistha (name of a sage)
Vasudev (father of Lord Krishna)
Vatsal (affectionate)
Ved (a sacred text)
Vedmohan (Lord Krishna)
Vedanga (meaning of Vedas)
Vedprakash (light of the Vedas)
Vedavrata (vow of the Vedas)
Veni (Lord Krishna)
Veera (the brave)
Viraj (splendour)
Venimadhav (Lord Krishna)
Vibhas (decoration; light)
Vibhat (dawn)
Vibhishan (a character from the epic Ramayana)
Vibhu (all-pervading)
Vidur (a friend of Lord Krishna)
Vidyadhar (learned)
Vidyasagar (ocean of learning)
Vidyut (lightning)
Vighnesh, Vignesh (Lord Ganesh)
Vihanga (bird)
Vijay (victor)
Vijendra, Vijanyendra (victorious)
Vikas (development)
Vikesh (the moon)
Vikram (bravery)
Vikramaditya (a famous king)
Vikramajit (a famous king)
Vikranta (brave)
Vilas (play)
Vilok (to see)
Vilokan (gaze)
Vimal (pure)
Vinay (modesty)
Vinayak (Lord Ganesh)
Vineet (unassuming)
Vinesh (godly)
Vinod (pleasing)
Vipin (forest)
Viplab (floating; revolution)
Vipra (a priest)
Vipul (plenty)
Vir (brave)
Viral (priceless)
Virendra (brave lord)
Viresh (brave lord)
Vishal (immense)
Vishwambhar (the lord)
Vishesh (special)
Vishnu (Lord Vishnu)
Vishram (rest)
Vishwamitra (a sage)
Vishwanath (the lord)
Vishwesh (the lord Almighty)
Vismay (surprise)
Viswas (trust)
Vithala, Vitthal (Lord Vishnu)
Vivekananda (joy of discrimination)
Vrajakishore (Lord Krishna)
Vrajesh (Lord Krishna)
Vrajamohan (Lord Kirshna)
Vrajanadan (Lord Krishna)
Vrishin (peacock)
Vyasa (the author of Mahabharata)
Wahab (large hearted)
Wajidali (obessed)
Wali (protector)
Yaaseen (One of the Prophet Muhammad's names)
Yadav (Lord Krishna)
Yadavendra (Lord Krishna)
Yadunandan (Lord Krishna)
Yadunath (Lord Krishna)
Yaduraj (Lord Krishna)
Yaduvir (Lord Krishna)
Yagna (Ceremonial rites to God)
Yahyaa (a Prophet's name)
Yaj (a sage)
Yajat (Lord Shiva)
Yajnadhar (Lord Vishnu)
Yajnarup (Lord Krishna)
Yajnesh (Lord Vishnu)
Yamahil (Lord Vishnu)
Yamajit (Lord Shiva)
Yaman (Lord Yama, god of death, Yamraj)
Yamir (Moon)
Yasaar (Ease; Wealth)
Yash (victory, glory)
Yashas (Fame)
Yashodev (Lord of fame)
Yashodhara (one who has achieved fame)
Yashodhan (rich in fame)
Yashwant (one who has achieved glory)
Yashpal (protector of fame)
Yasir (Wealthy)
Yatin (ascetic)
Yatindra (Lord Indra)
Yatish (Lord of devotees)
Yayin (Lord Shiva)
Yazeed (To increase; Grow; Enhance)
Yogesh (god of Yoga, Lord Shiva)
Yogendra (god of Yoga)
Yogi (Devotee)
Yoonus (a Prophet's name)
Yoosuf (a Prophet's name)
Yudhajit (victor in war)
Yuvaraj (prince, heir apparent)
Yudhisthir, Yudishtra (firm in battle)
Yugandhar (celestial god)
Yuvraj (a prince)
Yuyutsu (eager to fight)
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