'David Beckham Could Play Until He Is 40' Says AC Milan Doctor

David Beckham is so fit he could play for England for another six years - according to a top medic at new club AC Milan.

Doctor Jean-Pierre Meerseeman is convinced David could still be playing at the top level until he is 39 and play right up until the 2014 World Cup.

Meerseeman said: "Beckham could go on for another five or six years."

"His cardiovascular readings are very good. His basic fitness is excellent. All he needs to do now is to alter his training programme slightly."

Meerseeman’s methods helped Alessandro Costacurta play until he was 41, while Paolo Maldini is still playing at 40.

Meerseeman says David is not as fit as the other Milan yet but will be in less than three weeks.

He added: "We test and re-test our players in every aspect of body and mind."

"David is behind the others right now in terms of match fitness. It will take 15-20 days to reach the required level."

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