Since last Friday, I've been from end of the Valley to the other, and I'm on my way back out shortly. John Edwards is scheduled to be at the Egg and I for a meet-and-greet at noon. For a homeschooler, an election year offers some of the best hands-on type of instruction. Now that Nevada actually matters to the political powers that be, we can even meet some of the people in the running for leader of the free world. And what better way to introduce a kid to politics than by hearing former President Bill Clinton speak? That's how we kicked off our day yesterday.

I'll have more on my treks all over Las Vegas as soon as I'm parked back at my desk!
My photo information: Top - former President Clinton speaking to the crowd at the Centennial Hills YMCA; first pic on bottom - The DaVinci Exhibit, which brings to life many of Leonardo's sketches and ideas; second pic on bottom - the Ghost Town area at the Clark County Heritiage Musuem.
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